The Fund may exercise its rights by any appropriate means, including by bringing a civil action before the criminal court, even for the first time on appeal. When it lodges a civil party claim by registered letter, the fund may request reimbursement of the sums charged to it without any ceiling. Administrations or departments of the State and public authorities, social security organisations, organisations responsible for administering social benefits, financial institutions and insurance companies are required to gather and communicate to the fund any information they have or may have that is useful for the implementation of its recourse action. The information gathered in this way may not be used for any purposes other than those set out in this article or in article L. 422-8 of the Insurance Code. Its disclosure is prohibited. When the perpetrator of the offence has been subject to an obligation to compensate the victim in the context of a sanction-reparation sentence, a probationary suspension or a decision to adapt the sentence or release on parole and the victim has been compensated by the fund, either pursuant to this title or title XIV bis, this obligation must then be fulfilled to the benefit of the guarantee fund in the exercise of its subrogatory recourse and its recovery mandate to the benefit of the victim.