I. The taxable profit of farmers subject to a real taxation system who benefit from start-up aid for young farmers provided for in article D. 343-3 du code rural et de la pêche maritime , is determined, for the first sixty months of activity, from the date the first aid is granted, after deduction of a deduction of 75% when the profit for the financial year is less than or equal to €45,100 or, in other cases, 50% for the fraction of the profit less than or equal to €45,100 and 30% for the fraction greater than €45,100 and less than or equal to €60,100. These allowances are increased to 100% for the fraction of profit less than or equal to €45,100 and 60% for the fraction greater than €45,100 and less than or equal to €60,100 and their total amount may not be less than the amount of this grant in respect of the financial year in progress on the date on which the young farmer start-up grant is entered in the accounts.
These farmers may request the application of tax allowances on profits for financial years not barred by the statute of limitations, closed prior to the allocation of this aid.
These tax allowances apply before deduction of losses that can be carried forward. They do not apply to profits subject to a reduced tax rate and cannot be combined with other allowances applied to profits.
II. The thresholds mentioned in I of this article are updated every three years in the same proportion as the three-yearly change in the upper limit of the first bracket of the income tax scale and rounded to the nearest hundred euros.
III. The benefit of the allowances mentioned in I is subject to compliance with Article 18 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 702/2014 of 25 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid in the agriculture and forestry sectors and in rural areas compatible with the internal market, in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.