Transfers of units or shares in real estate collective investment undertakings and professional real estate collective investment undertakings are exempt from registration duty except:
a) Where the acquirer holds or will hold following his acquisition more than 10% of the units or shares of the real estate collective investment undertaking or professional real estate collective investment undertaking directly or through his spouse or their ascendants or descendants or their brothers or sisters, or indirectly through one or more companies of which he or the aforementioned persons would hold more than 50% of the financial rights and voting rights ;
b) Or where the acquirer, legal entity or fund, holds or will hold following its acquisition more than 20% of the units or shares of the real estate collective investment undertaking or professional real estate collective investment undertaking within the meaning of article L. 214-45 of the Monetary and Financial Code.
In the cases mentioned in a and b, transfers are subject to registration duty at the rate set in 2° of I of article 726.