The parties are summoned to the amicable settlement hearing, at the registry’s behest, by any means.
The summons specifies that the parties must appear in person.
Where they are not exempt from compulsory representation, the parties appear assisted by their lawyer.
In other cases, they may be assisted under the conditions set out in article 762.
The hearing is held in chambers, without the presence of the registry, in accordance with the procedures set by the judge in charge of the out-of-court settlement hearing.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, everything said, written or done during the friendly settlement hearing, by the judge and by the parties, is confidential.
An exception to the preceding paragraph shall be made in the following two cases:
a) Where there are overriding reasons of public policy or reasons relating to the protection of the best interests of the child or the physical or psychological integrity of the person;
b) Where the revelation of the existence or disclosure of the content of the agreement resulting therefrom is necessary for its implementation or enforcement.
At any time, the judge in charge of the out-of-court settlement hearing may terminate it. This decision is a measure of judicial administration.