At the request of the public prosecutor, officers of the judicial police and, on their orders or responsibility, officers of the judicial police and deputy officers of the judicial police mentioned in articles 20 and 21 (1°) are empowered to enter premises for professional use, as well as their annexes and outbuildings, unless they constitute a home, where construction, production, processing, repair, service provision or marketing activities are in progress, with a view to:
-to ensure that these activities have given rise to registration in the national register of companies or in the trade and companies register where this is compulsory, as well as to the declarations required by social welfare bodies and the tax authorities ;
-to be shown the single personnel register and the documents certifying that the declarations prior to recruitment have been made;
-to check the identity of the persons employed, for the sole purpose of verifying that they appear on the register or that they have been the subject of the declarations mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The public prosecutor’s requisitions shall be in writing and shall specify the offences, among those referred to in Articles L. 5221-8, L. 5221-11, L. 8221-1, L. 8221-2, L. 8251-1 du code du travail, which it intends to have searched and prosecuted, as well as the places in which the inspection operation will take place. These requisitions shall be issued for a maximum period of one month and shall be presented to the person in possession of the premises or to the person representing him.
The measures taken pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be the subject of a report given to the person concerned.