Freehold inter vivos gifts of new residential property for which planning permission has been obtained between 1 September 2014 and 31 December 2016, evidenced by a notarised deed signed no later than three years after the planning permission is obtained, are exempt from free transfer tax, up to the declared value of the property, up to a maximum of:
1° €100,000, when they are granted in favour of a descendant or ascendant in the direct line, the spouse or partner linked by a civil solidarity pact;
2° €45,000, when they are granted in favour of a brother or sister;
3° €35,000, when they are granted in favour of another person.
The exemption is subject to the double condition that the deed recording the donation is supported by the declaration attesting to the completion and compliance of the works provided for in article L. 462-1 of the town planning code and that the new residential property has never been occupied or used in any form whatsoever at the time of the donation.
All donations made by the same donor may only be exempt up to €100,000.