Orders of the pre-trial judge and decisions given by the panel of judges pursuant to the ninth paragraph of Article 789 are not subject to opposition.
An appeal or appeal in cassation may only be lodged with the judgment ruling on the merits.
However, they may be appealed in the cases and under the conditions provided for in matters of expert appraisal or stay of proceedings.
They may also be appealed, within fifteen days of being served, where:
1° They rule on an incident that puts an end to the proceedings, they have the effect of putting an end to the proceedings or they establish that the proceedings are terminated;
2° They rule on a procedural objection or a plea of inadmissibility. Where the plea of inadmissibility has required that a substantive issue be decided first, the appeal may relate to that substantive issue;
3° They relate to provisional measures ordered in matters of divorce or legal separation;
4° Where the amount of the claim is greater than the final rate of jurisdiction, they relate to provisions that may be granted to the creditor where the existence of the obligation is not seriously disputable.