I – Undeveloped properties and rights relating to these properties are exempt from death duties under the following conditions:
1° The properties in question are undivided within a cadastral parcel;
2° The total value of the properties in question is less than €5,000 when they consist of a single parcel and less than €10,000 when they consist of two contiguous parcels ;
3° The deceased’s right of ownership was not established before his death by a duly transcribed or published deed;
4° The notarised certificates mentioned in 3° of l’article 28 du décret n° 55-22 du 4 janvier 1955 portant réforme de la publicité foncière et relatives à ces biens sont publiés dans un délai de vingt-quatre mois à compter du décès.
II. – The exemption provided for in I only applies to a single parcel or two contiguous parcels in joint ownership per estate.