By way of derogation from article 211-6, works initially intended for initial screening in cinemas and which, due to the ban on admission to cinemas, are subject, until the end of the state of health emergency declared by article 4 of law no. 2020-290 of 23 March 2020 on the emergency response to the covid-19 epidemic, first made available on an on-demand pay-per-view audiovisual media service or on a service providing access to cinematographic or audiovisual works for a fee, at specified times and within a limited geographical area, upon individual request made by an electronic communication process, subject to the tax provided for in Article 1609 sexdecies B of the General Tax Code.
In order to benefit from the provisions of the first paragraph, the delegated production company must submit an electronic request to the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée. This request must be accompanied by
1° A sworn statement to the effect that the delegated production company has obtained the agreement of the authors, co-producers, distributor and companies with which it has signed a financing contract for the production of the work so that it can be made available for the first time on a pay-per-view audiovisual media service;
2° A statement of the contractual arrangements it has made with the co-producers and the aforementioned companies in order to ensure compliance with the exhibition windows for the work after it has been made available for the first time on a pay-per-view audiovisual media service;
3° An indication of the measures envisaged, where applicable, for the subsequent release of the work in cinemas.