The judge responsible for supervising the trade and companies register shall request bulletin no. 2 of the criminal record:
1° Of natural persons subject to registration and natural persons with the power to bind the person required to be registered on a regular basis;
2° Of natural persons mentioned in article R. 123-54, listed in the Trade and Companies Register by virtue of the registration of commercial companies, with the exception of statutory auditors;
3° The managers of European economic interest groupings, natural persons who are members of economic interest groupings, directors and persons responsible for overseeing the management and auditing the accounts of these groupings, with the exception of statutory auditors;
4° Managers of non-trading companies;
5° Natural persons listed in the Trade and Companies Register as a result of the registration of an agricultural cooperative, excluding statutory auditors;
6° Persons with the general power to bind the savings and provident institutions vis-à-vis third parties and members of the guidance and supervisory boards.
These persons certify, beforehand, that they have not been the subject of any criminal conviction or civil or administrative sanction of such a nature as to prohibit them from managing, administering or directing a legal entity and, in the case of a trader, of such a nature as to prohibit him from carrying on a commercial activity.
In the event that the criminal record reveals the existence of a ban on trading or a conviction of such a nature as to prohibit the exercise of the activity undertaken, the judge shall order the deletion of the registration or entry after giving prior notice to the person concerned.
When the natural person concerned by the deregistration is one of those mentioned in 2°, 3°, 4° and 5° above, the judge also notifies the legal entity and asks it to regularise its situation if necessary.
Where an administrative authorisation is granted on a provisional basis and does not become definitive until registration in the Trade and Companies Register, the Registrar shall send the competent administrative authority an extract of the registration upon verification of the criminal record.