The declaration provided for in article L. 123-29 includes, with supporting documents, the following:
1° For a legal entity, the corporate name or denomination followed, where applicable, by the acronym, the activity and the address of the registered office as well as the birth name and, where applicable, use name, first names, date, place of birth, nationality of their legal representative ;
2° For a natural person, the name at birth and, where applicable, surname at use, forenames, date and place of birth, nationality, commercial or craft activity exercised and domicile or commune of attachment;
In addition:
3° If the declarant is subject to registration in the Trade and Companies Register, an extract dating back less than three months of the entries made in the said register;
4° If the declarant is subject to registration in the Trades Register, an extract dating back less than three months of the entries made in the said register;
5° Failing registration in a legal publicity register:
a) For natural persons benefiting from the exemption from registration provided for by the article L. 123-1-1 of the French Commercial Code or by V of article 19 of the loi n° 96-603 du 5 juillet 1996 relative au développement et à la promotion du commerce et de l’artisanat, le certificat d’inscription au répertoire des entreprises et des établissements (SIRENE) ou, dans le cas d’un renouvellement, une attestation sur l’honneur certifiant qu’il bénéficie toujours de cette disposition ;
b) For associations carrying on a commercial activity, the certificate of registration in the register of companies and establishments (SIRENE) and a copy of their articles of association;
c) For European Union nationals, natural and legal persons who do not have an establishment in France but have declared their commercial or craft activity in another European Union country, proof of this declaration;
6° A copy of the declarant’s identity document or, where applicable, a travel permit or residence permit;
7° Two recent passport photographs.
The declarant has a period of one month, from receipt of notification of the list of missing supporting documents, to send them to the business formalities centre that requested them.Failing this, a new declaration must be made in accordance with article L. 123-29.