The file referred to in article R. 321-66 comprises the following parts:
1° A copy of the documents proving the identity, nationality and domicile of the applicant;
2° Certified copies of the attestations of skills, training qualifications or equivalent training qualifications or documents proving the acquired rights obtained by the applicant giving access to the activity of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction;
3° For holders of a diploma, certificate or title issued by a third country and recognised by a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, a certificate issued by the competent authority of that Member State or party, certifying the duration of professional practice on its territory and the corresponding dates;
4° Proof by any means that the applicant has practised the activity of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction on a full-time or part-time basis over the last ten years, and specifying the dates of such practice, if neither access to this activity or its practice, nor the training leading to it, is regulated in the applicant’s home State;
5° Any original or copy document making it possible to assess whether the applicant fulfils the conditions laid down in Article R. 321-65 of the Commercial Code as well as the detailed content of the training or course of study followed and the initial and continuing professional training received ;
6° A document from the competent authority in his home country certifying that he has not been convicted of a criminal offence for acts contrary to honour or probity or been subject to a disciplinary or administrative sanction involving removal from office, striking off the roll, revocation, withdrawal of authorisation or licence for acts of the same nature in the profession he previously practised, or a certificate less than three months old issued by the competent judicial or administrative authority and, where applicable, by a notary or professional body, stating that the person concerned has declared on oath or solemnly, if no such oath exists in that State, that he or she has not been the subject of any such convictions or sanctions.
Where applicable, the supporting documents, except those relating to the identity and nationality of the applicant, must be accompanied by a translation into French. With the exception of the documents mentioned in 1° and 5°, this translation shall be carried out by a translator registered on the national list of legal experts or on one of the lists of legal experts drawn up by the courts of appeal or by a translator authorised to work for the judicial or administrative authorities of another Member State of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.