The duties of the training supervisor are carried out by a person authorised to manage voluntary sales of furniture by public auction.
When the duration of the traineeship exceeds one year, the conseil des maisons de vente (auction house council) ensures at the end of an initial period of twelve months and then every six months that the traineeship is progressing well and that they are acquiring knowledge. To this end, it gathers the observations of the trainee’s supervisor and organises an interview with the trainee designed to assess his or her practical knowledge.
At the end of the traineeship, the training supervisor submits a traineeship report to the Board, drawn up in accordance with the model set out in Annex 3-5 to this book.
The Council recognises the applicant’s qualification when the results of the assessment of the traineeship are positive. It will issue the trainee with a certificate of successful completion of the adaptation period.
If this is not the case, the Board may, after hearing the trainee, extend the duration of the adaptation period within the limits of article R. 321-67.