The online challenge may be made on one of the grounds provided for in this article:
1° In all cases, if the person was the victim of identity theft at the time the facts were established;
2° Where the fixed fine procedure concerns the offence of driving without a licence, if the person held a valid driving licence at the time the facts were established;
3° Lorsque la procédure de l’amende forfaitaire concerne le délit de conduite sans assurance, si la personne bénéficiait d’une assurance en cours de validité au moment de la constatation des faits;
4° Lorsque le délit de conduite sans assurance a été constaté, sans interception du conducteur, selon les modalités prévues à l’article L. 130-9 of the same code, by or from an automatic control device, if the vehicle in question has been sold, transferred, stolen, destroyed or had its number plates stolen;
5° Other reason.