I.-In the case of an offence that does not result in the loss of points, the offender signs a screen page on the terminal that provides an unalterable summary of the information relating to the offence recorded against him/her, preceded by the information relating to the rights of the offender provided for in II of Article A. 37-4.
II.-In the case of an offence resulting in the deduction of points, the unalterable summary of information concerning the offence recorded, after which the offender signs, is preceded by the information relating to the rights of the offender provided for in 1, 2, 3 (first paragraph), 4, 5 and 6 of III of Article A. 37-9. It is also specified that the offence committed results in point(s) being deducted.
The terminal’s screen page may include the words “Obligation to exchange driving licence” if the offender is subject to such an obligation.
Finally, it states that the offender pays the fine or deposit immediately.
In the event of payment of the fixed fine, the screen page on which the offender affixes his signature includes, in an unmodifiable manner, the specification that the offender acknowledges the contravention noted, that he is paying the fixed fine, and that he is informed of the deduction of points that will result from this payment as well as, where applicable, his obligation to exchange his driving licence.
III.-The official statement of offence is signed electronically or by hand by the officer in accordance with the provisions of article A. 37-19.
IV.-After collection, the offending officer shall record the number of the booklet of counterfoil receipts that was used, as well as the method of payment, on the official report drawn up using the secure electronic device.