The formalities carried out in relation to the seizure of immovable property and licitation by judicial auction give rise to the collection of the following fees:
NUMBER OF THE SERVICE (table 6 of article Appendix 4-7) |
5 | Requests for reparations and information on the person of the debtor seized | 11,54 €, for all | |
6 | Requests and requests for information on the seized property | €11.54, per requisition or request | |
7 | Drafting of the publication slip and any amending slip, pursuant to articles R. 321-6 and R. 321-7 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €1.15, per page | |
8 | Publication of the order to pay at the land registry | 346,16 € | |
9 | Publication at the land registry of the court decision ordering the suspension of enforcement proceedings, the postponement of the sale or the extension of the order to pay, pursuant to article R. 321-22 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 346.16 € | |
10 | Drafting of the notification to the spouse of the summons to pay pursuant to the first paragraph of article R. 321-1 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €15.38 | |
11 | If there is a third party holder of the seized property, drafting of the summons for the purpose of seizure to a third party holder, pursuant to article R. 321-4 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €1.15, per page | |
12 | Mention in the margin of publication of the order to pay of the summons to appear at the orientation hearing and of the denunciations, pursuant to article R. 322-9 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 3.85 € | |
13 | Drafting of the conditions of sale or specifications book | 0.38 €, per page | |
14 | Filing at the registry of the schedule of conditions of sale, the copy of the summons and the report describing the seized property, pursuant to articles R. 322-10 and R. 322-11 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 19.23 € | |
15 | Refer to the conditions of sale booklet for further information | 19,23 | |
16 | Drafting service of judgment on solicitor and party | 15,38 | |
17 | Letter by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt to the co-ownership manager concerning asbestos and the condition of the building seized, pursuant to articles R. 1334-14 to R. 1334-29-7 du code de la santé publique | 57.69 € | |
18 | Déclaration au greffe pour informations complémentaires | 19,23 | |
19 | If the property seized is subject to an urban right of pre-emption, drafting the declaration of intention to sell and sending five copies to the town hall | 38.46 € | |
20 | Legal advertising formalities provided for in articles R. 322-32 to R. 322-70 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €38.46, per insertion | |
21 | Filing at the registry of the notice of advertisement for affixing | 19,23 | |
22 | Letter by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt to the tenant or, if the property is owner-occupied, to the town hall, pursuant to article L. 616 du code de la construction et de l’habitation | €15.38 | |
23 | Drafting of a notification for the purposes of purging pre-emption and substitution rights, pursuant to Article 10 of Act no. 75-1351 du 31 décembre 1975 relative à la protection des occupants de locaux à usage d’habitation | 38,46 € | |
24 | Levée auprès du greffe du certificat constatant le défaut de consignation du prix ou de paiement des frais, en application de l’article R. 322-67 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 57.60 € | |
25 | Drafting of a summons to pay to the successful bidder’s lawyer | 15,38 | |
26 | Declaration of successful bidder to the registry, pursuant to article R. 322-46 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 19.23 € | |
27 | Concerning co-ownership lots, notification to the managing agent of the notice of transfer pursuant to article 5-1 of decree no. 67-223 of 17 March 1967 | €15.38 | |
28 | Concerning co-ownership lots, notification to the syndic of the transfer of ownership pursuant to Article 6 of Decree no. 67-223 of 17 March 1967 | €15.38 | |
29 | Concerning co-ownership lots, notification to registered creditors of opposition to the sale formulated by the syndic, pursuant to article 6-1 of decree n° 67-223 of 17 March 1967 | €15.38 | |
30 | Depositing a declaration of outbidding at the registry of the enforcement judge | 19,23 € | |
31 | Drafting of the notification of the higher bid to the pursuing creditor, to the first successful bidder and to the debtor seized at the registry | €15.38 | |
32 | If there is only one creditor, notification to the debtor of the amount paid to the pursuing creditor, pursuant to article R. 332-1 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €15.38 | |
33 | If there are several creditors | Notification of the request for an updated statement of claims, pursuant to Article R. 332-2 du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | €15.38 |
34 | Notification of the proposed distribution of the price to creditors, pursuant to articles R. 332-4 and R. 332-5du code des procédures civiles d’exécution | 15.38 € | |
35 | Notification of the proposed distribution of the price to the co-ownership trustee, the seized debtor and the Treasury | 15,38 € | |
36 | Requisition from the land registry service for cancellation of registrations and publications | 3.85 €, per requisition |