Persons who so request may be provided with the following information:
A. – Categories of information recorded in connection with the processing of applications:
A-1. Description of the application
A-1.1. Date and purpose of the application (creation/extension and total surface area created).
A-1.2. Location (postal address: number and street, commune, Cedex, name of commercial estate, name of shopping centre, department code) and type of project (commercial complex/isolated shop).
A-1.3. Main sign.
A-1.4. Date and decision of the commission départementale d’équipement commercial (CDEC).
A-1.5. Details of the decision (number of voters, yes, no and spoilt, observations).
A-1.6. Date and decision of the Commission nationale d’équipement commercial (CNEC).
A-2. Identification of the applicant.
A-2.1. The applicant’s SIREN number, company name and postal address.
B. – Categories of information recorded as part of the survey and control of authorised surface areas:
B-1. Commercial premises.
B-1.1. Postal address (number and street, name of the commercial premises, name of the commercial centre, name of the commercial estate, name of the shopping centre, name of the district, type of urban regeneration zone (ZRU), type of concerted development zone created in an urban centre (ZACCU), municipality, Cedex, name of the canton, name of the arrondissement, name of the département, indoor, outdoor and total sales areas and/or number of refuelling positions.
B-1.2 Date of authorisation and, where applicable, building permit.
B-2. Commercial operation
B-2.1. SIRET number, name of commercial establishment (sign) and its activity codes and activity sectors (NAF coding).
B-2.2. Name of the trading name, type of shop, type of network, opening date, closing date, in operation, virtual (authorised but not yet open), marketability, end of marketability date, extension date.
B-3. Identification of the company operating the shop.
B-3.1. Company name and SIREN number of the company.