The standard of ethics “securing the interventions of the statutory auditor-implementation of the risks and safeguards approach”, approved by the Minister of Justice, is set out below:
Ethical standard “securing the work of the statutory auditor-implementation of the risk and safeguards approach”
01. This standard applies to all registered auditors acting in their capacity as auditors, regardless of the engagement or service they perform, whether they are companies or individuals practising in their own name or within a company.
02. The status of statutory auditor subjects it to ethical rules that contribute to the confidence that the person or entity that requests it and, more generally, that any interested third party may place in its work. Applying these rules enables the statutory auditor to fulfil the duties of his profession.
03. The confidence that may be placed in the work of the statutory auditor implies in particular that the statutory auditor is able to carry out his assignments or services impartially and independently and that this is also perceived as such by an objective, reasonable and informed third party.
04. Consequently, when the statutory auditor:
-intends to perform an engagement or service, he shall analyse the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation for the purpose of assessing whether he is in a position to perform it and, where appropriate, to continue an engagement or service in progress, independently and impartially;
-has accepted an assignment or service and identifies changes in the facts and circumstances that prevailed prior to his acceptance, he shall analyse them for the purpose of assessing whether he is in a position to continue the assignment or service independently and impartially.
05. The purpose of this standard is to contribute to the security of the statutory auditor’s engagements or services by specifying the manner in which the analysis of the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation is carried out, an analysis that includes an approach to identifying and dealing with risks to its impartiality or independence known as the “risks and safeguards” approach.
06. Statutory auditor acting in his capacity as statutory auditor: Statutory auditor acting in his capacity as statutory auditor results from:
-the legal and regulatory provisions on the basis of which the engagement or service is carried out;
-the reference to the statutory auditor’s status in the documents relating to the engagement or service;
-or the reference in these documents to the application of standards relating to the professional practice of statutory auditors or the professional doctrine drawn up by the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes.
It may also be the result of a combination of indicators, including the use of the letterhead of a structure whose purpose is the practice of statutory auditing.
07. Engagement: in accordance with article R. 820-1-1 of the French Commercial Code, the term engagement covers:
-the statutory audit engagement and, where applicable, other engagements entrusted by law or regulation to the statutory auditor carrying out the statutory audit of the person or entity; and
-other statutory or regulatory engagements performed by a statutory auditor for a person or entity for which it does not perform the statutory audit engagement. This may include, for example, a contribution, merger or transformation audit.
08. Service: in accordance with Article R. 820-1-1 of the French Commercial Code, the term service covers services and attestations that are not engagements referred to in paragraph 07 of this standard, which a statutory auditor provides to a person or entity for which it may or may not perform the statutory audit engagement. This may include, for example, a contractual financial audit or a review of compliance with a reference framework.
09. Risk situation: the fact that the statutory auditor is at risk of not being able to carry out the assignment or service independently and impartially. The cause and effects of the situation at risk vary according to the facts and circumstances that characterise it.
10. Appropriate safeguard: a measure that guarantees the statutory auditor’s impartiality and independence when exposed to a risk situation. This safeguard is intended either to eliminate the cause of the risk situation or to reduce its effects to a level sufficiently low to ensure that the statutory auditor’s independence and impartiality are not affected and to enable the engagement or service to be accepted or continued in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements and those of the code of ethics.
For the purposes of this standard, the term “appropriate safeguard” means a measure which ensures the statutory auditor’s impartiality and independence when he or she is exposed to a risk situation.
For the purposes of this standard, the term “appropriate safeguards” refers to one or more appropriate safeguards.
11. Objective, reasonable and informed third party: a person who:
-although external to the situation and having no personal interest in it, takes an interest in it;
-has sufficient knowledge to enable him to assess the facts and circumstances of the situation; and
-is able to assess whether these facts and circumstances are objectively such as to give rise to reasonable doubt in his mind as to the statutory auditor’s compliance with the fundamental principles of conduct relating to impartiality and independence and the prevention of conflicts of interest.
Resources required to conduct the analysis
Organisational and operational arrangements
12. The statutory auditor’s analysis of the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation presupposes that he collects sufficient and appropriate elements.
13. To this end, the statutory auditor shall rely on the organisational and operational procedures of the statutory audit practice to which it belongs, proportionate to the scale and complexity of its activities, set up in accordance with the provisions of Articles R. 822-32 and R. 822-33 of the Commercial Code.
Professional judgment
14. The statutory auditor shall exercise professional judgement at all stages of the analysis.
The exercise of professional judgement requires the auditor to exercise due care and diligence.
The exercise of this professional judgement requires the statutory auditor to take the necessary distance from the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation and to mobilise the qualities required by his status, in particular critical thinking, competence, objectivity, integrity and independence, in order to make informed decisions.
Analysis to be carried out by the statutory auditor considering carrying out an engagement or a service
15. When the statutory auditor is considering performing an engagement or a service, he or she shall analyse the facts and circumstances of the situation in order to assess whether, in good conscience but also in the eyes of an objective, reasonable and informed third party, the engagement or service can be performed independently and impartially.
In addition, where it is already carrying out another assignment or providing another service, it also ensures that it can carry out this other assignment or service in compliance with the principles of independence and impartiality.
Taking cognisance of the facts and circumstances
16. The statutory auditor shall enquire about:
-the purpose and nature of the engagement or service envisaged; and
-any useful information about the person or entity for which he is considering carrying out the assignment or service, in particular its legal form, organisational structure and sector of activity.
17. In the light of these elements, the statutory auditor:
-determine the nature of the due diligence that should be carried out to meet the objective of his intervention, the skills that it requires and the fees in relation to these due diligence and skills;
-identifies the parties, other than himself and the person or entity for whom he intends to carry out the engagement or the service, who are likely to be affected by the engagement or the service; and
-identifies the rules of professional conduct applicable to the engagement or the service.
-identifies the ethical rules applicable in the case.
Concerning parties other than the statutory auditor and the person or entity for whom the statutory auditor proposes to perform an engagement or service
18. Parties other than the statutory auditor and the person or entity for whom the statutory auditor intends to carry out an engagement or provide a service include persons or entities linked to the statutory auditor, i.e. partners and members of the management of the practice structure to which the statutory auditor belongs, employees of that structure and members of its network.
They may also include persons or entities linked to the person or entity for which the statutory auditor plans to carry out an engagement or provide a service.
19. Since the purpose of his analysis is to ensure that his independence and impartiality are preserved, including in the eyes of an objective, reasonable and informed third party, the statutory auditor shall identify and take into account any personal, financial or professional links between himself, the person or entity for which he is considering carrying out an engagement or providing a service and the persons or entities referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18.
These links shall be assessed in the light of each situation.
The personal ties to be sought and taken into account are not limited to those set out in article 32, I. of the code of ethics.
Professional ties include ties resulting from assignments or services currently being performed or previously performed by the statutory auditor or members of his network.
Professional ties include ties resulting from assignments or services currently being performed or previously performed by the statutory auditor or members of his network.
With regard to the rules of professional conduct applicable in this case
20. Statutory auditors are subject to rules of professional conduct that are linked to their status and are therefore applicable to all situations. Other rules of professional conduct are applicable only in certain situations, for example when the statutory auditor carries out a certification assignment or when he works in a network.
21. On the basis of the information gathered with regard to the characteristics of the engagement or service that the statutory auditor intends to perform, the person or entity for which the statutory auditor intends to perform the engagement or service and the parties other than that person or entity, the statutory auditor shall identify the ethical rules applicable in the case in question.
> The statutory auditor shall identify the ethical rules applicable in the case in question.
22. In this respect, he considers all the prohibited or incompatible situations provided for by the legal and regulatory texts.
In particular, the Code of Ethics stipulates that the statutory auditor is prohibited from accepting an assignment or service for which remuneration is proportional or conditional or which falls within the monopoly of another profession.
Analysis of the facts and circumstances and identification of a risk situation
23. The statutory auditor analyses all of the elements mentioned in paragraphs 16 to 22 in order to be able to conclude whether he or she is in a position to perform the proposed engagement or service impartially and independently and whether this would also be perceived as such by an objective, reasonable and informed third party.
24. If he concludes that the proposed assignment or service would place him, in the performance of the new assignment or service or in the performance of an existing assignment or service, in a situation that is prohibited or incompatible under the laws and regulations, he shall not accept it.
25. If he concludes that the assignment or service envisaged would not place him, in the performance of the new assignment or service or in the performance of an assignment or service in progress, in a prohibited or incompatible situation provided for by the legal and regulatory texts, and that he has not identified any situation involving risk, he may accept the assignment or service envisaged.
26. If it identifies a risk situation with regard to the proposed engagement or service or the engagement or service being performed, it shall continue the analysis in accordance with the principles set out in paragraphs 27 to 30.
Dealing with the risk situation
27. The statutory auditor exposed to a risk situation shall investigate whether there is an appropriate safeguard.
28. In doing so, he shall take the following into account:
-the situation at risk may be caused by one or more risks such as a risk resulting from personal or professional ties, a risk of self-review, a risk of financial dependence or a risk of conflict of interest;
-the situation at risk may concern the engagement or service that the statutory auditor is considering carrying out or the engagement or service being carried out.
In all cases the appropriate safeguard measure must allow each engagement or service to be performed in compliance with the principles of independence and impartiality;
-to qualify as an appropriate safeguard, the measure must be sufficient.
This implies that for each of the risks that give rise to the situation at risk, a measure must be envisaged, it being specified that the same appropriate safeguarding measure may respond to several risks;
-to qualify as an appropriate safeguard, the measure must preserve the statutory auditor’s independence and impartiality including in the eyes of an objective, reasonable and informed third party.
29. Where the statutory auditor identifies an appropriate safeguard, the statutory auditor may accept the proposed engagement or service.
30. Where the statutory auditor does not identify an appropriate safeguard, he shall draw the following conclusions:
-where the situation at risk relates to the engagement or service he is considering performing, the statutory auditor shall not accept that engagement or service;
-where the situation at risk relates to the engagement or service being performed and the situation at risk would only arise if the new engagement or service were to be accepted, the statutory auditor will only consider accepting it after concluding that it is possible to terminate the engagement or service being performed, with regard to the applicable ethical rules, including, on the one hand, Articles 11 and 28 of the Code of Ethics relating to the end of the engagement or service and to resignation, and, on the other hand, Article 3 relating to integrity, which implies refraining from any disloyal behaviour.
Analysis to be carried out by the statutory auditor who has accepted to perform an engagement or service and who identifies changes in the facts and circumstances that prevailed prior to his acceptance
31. Throughout the performance of the engagement or service, the statutory auditor shall rely on the organisational and operational procedures referred to in paragraph 13 with a view to identifying the occurrence of changes in the facts and circumstances that prevailed in the analysis carried out with a view to its acceptance.
32. Where it identifies such a change, it shall assess whether it is likely to call into question its initial analysis.
33. If this is the case, it will update its analysis by applying the principles set out in paragraphs 12 to 28 and will draw the consequences for the continuation of the assignment or service.
34. Where the statutory auditor does not identify any appropriate safeguards, he or she shall terminate the engagement or the service, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 28 of the Code of Ethics.
Performance of the engagement or service by several statutory auditors
35. Without prejudice to the legal and regulatory provisions expressly applicable to the certification of accounts, where the engagement or service is carried out by several statutory auditors, or is envisaged to be carried out by several statutory auditors, each of them shall carry out its own analysis of the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation and that are specific to it.
36. When one of the joint statutory auditors identifies a risk situation, he shall discuss it with the other joint statutory auditors and:
-explain to them the consequences that he plans to draw from this on the acceptance or continuation of the engagement or service that places him in a situation of risk;
-examine with them the possible consequences to be drawn from this on the acceptance or continuation of the assignment or service that they are considering carrying out or that they are carrying out together; and
-consider with them the possible consequences to be drawn from this on the acceptance or continuation of the assignment or service that they are considering carrying out or that they are carrying out together; and
-considers with them the advisability of informing, in a concerted manner, the bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code.
37. In the event of disagreement about the situation at risk or the handling of that situation, if necessary, they shall seek conciliation with the chairman of their regional company or, if they belong to separate regional companies, with the chairmen of their respective companies, in accordance with Article 8 of the Code of Ethics.
Exchanges with the bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code
38. Without prejudice to the provisions of II of article L. 823-16 of the French Commercial Code, where the statutory auditor identifies a risk of not being able to perform the engagement or service in compliance with the principles of independence and impartiality, he shall assess the usefulness of informing the collegiate body responsible for administration or the body responsible for management and the supervisory body.
The statutory auditor shall inform the collegiate body responsible for administration or the body responsible for management and the supervisory body.
39. Where he deems it useful, the statutory auditor shall provide this information within an appropriate timeframe, particularly in view of the consequences that may result from the actions to be taken to remedy the situation.
40. Where the engagement or service is carried out by several statutory auditors and the communication to the bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code is not made by all of the joint statutory auditors, the statutory auditor who has spoken with the aforementioned bodies shall inform the joint statutory auditors of the conclusions of these exchanges.
41. The documentation must enable any person with knowledge of the legal and regulatory texts applicable to the profession and who has not taken part in the engagement or service to understand how the statutory auditor has reached the conclusion that he is in a position to accept the engagement or service or to continue with the engagement or service in progress.
42. Before accepting the engagement or the service, the statutory auditor shall record in his file the facts and circumstances that characterise the situation.
43. Where the statutory auditor is exposed to a risk situation, the documentation shall include:
-a description of the risk situation identified, including each of the risks that gave rise to it and, in particular, its cause and effects;
a description of the appropriate safeguards that have been implemented;
– where applicable, a formal description of the safeguards that have been implemented.
-where applicable, the formalisation of the discussions with the joint statutory auditors provided for in paragraphs 36 and 40 and the outcome of the conciliation procedure referred to in paragraph 37, if this has been initiated;
-where applicable, the formalization of exchanges with the bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code.
44. When the statutory auditor identifies a change in the facts and circumstances that prevailed in the analysis conducted with a view to accepting the performance of the engagement or service, he shall record this in his file and, when this change calls into question his initial analysis, he shall update the elements mentioned in paragraph 43.
45. The form and level of detail of the documentation are proportionate and depend on each situation.