The professional practice standard relating to the mission of the statutory auditor appointed for three financial years provided for in Article L. 823-12-1 of the Commercial Code, approved by the Minister of Justice, is shown below:
NEP-911. Mission of the statutory auditor appointed for three financial years provided for in Article L. 823-12-1 of the French Commercial Code
Scope of application
01. The purpose of this standard is to define the due diligence that is proportionate to the “small company” to be performed by the statutory auditor appointed for a term of office limited to three financial years, as well as the formalities that apply to the performance of the audit.
A “small company” is a person or entity that does not exceed, at the close of a financial year, two of the following three criteria:
-balance sheet total: four million euros;
-Turnover excluding tax: eight million euros;
-average number of employees during the financial year: fifty.
The situations in which a statutory auditor is appointed for a term of office limited to three financial years are defined in paragraphs 2 to 5.
02. A statutory auditor may be appointed for a term of three financial years by a company of which one or more members or shareholders representing at least one third of the capital have made a reasoned request to that company.
03. In the absence of a legal obligation to appoint a statutory auditor for a term of six financial years, a company which meets the definition of a small business may voluntarily decide to appoint a statutory auditor. In this case, the company may choose to limit the term of office of the statutory auditor to three financial years pursuant to Article L. 823-3-2 of the Commercial Code.
04. A “group head” entity is defined by the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of Article L. 823-2-2 of the French Commercial Code as a person or entity:
-not required to publish consolidated financial statements;
-does not meet the definition of a public interest entity;
-not controlled by a person or entity that has appointed a statutory auditor,
and which, together with the companies it controls, forms a whole exceeding, at the close of a financial year, two of the following three criteria:
-their combined balance sheet total: four million euros;
cumulative pre-tax turnover: eight million euros;
-cumulative average number of employees during the financial year: fifty.
In this standard, the concept of control means direct or indirect control within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.
A group parent company must appoint at least one statutory auditor.
Where the entity heading the group is a company that meets the definition of a small business, it may choose, pursuant to Article L. 823-3-2 of the Commercial Code, to limit the term of office to three financial years.
05. Small businesses that are companies controlled by a group head entity are required, pursuant to the 3rd paragraph of Article L. 823-2-2 of the French Commercial Code, to appoint at least one statutory auditor, when they exceed, at the close of a financial year, two of the following three criteria:
-balance sheet total: two million euros;
-Turnover excluding taxes: four million euros;
-average number of employees during the financial year: twenty-five.
In this case, these companies may choose to limit the term of office of the statutory auditor to three financial years pursuant to article L. 823-3-2 of the Commercial Code.
06. This standard is also applicable to statutory auditors’ appointments in progress on the effective date of application of article L. 823-12-1 of the French Commercial Code (1), and which are carried out in companies, whatever their form, which do not exceed, for the last financial year ended prior to this date, two of the three criteria specified in paragraph 1, provided that these companies choose, in agreement with their statutory auditor, for the latter to continue to carry out his assignment until the end of the term initially set in accordance with the same terms and conditions as those laid down for the performance of an assignment the term of which is limited to three financial years.
The statutory auditor is appointed for a term of three financial years.
Nature and scope of the assignment
07. The mission of the statutory auditor includes:
-the task of certifying the annual financial statements, and where applicable, the consolidated financial statements where the entity decides on a voluntary basis to publish such financial statements, as provided for in Article L. 823-9 of the Commercial Code and which he reports on in his report on the annual financial statements, and where applicable, in his report on the consolidated financial statements;
-preparing the report on risks referred to in paragraph 1 of Article L. 823-12-1 of the French Commercial Code. This report identifies the financial, accounting and management risks to which the company is exposed. In the case of an entity that is the head of a group, this report shall cover the entity that the company forms with the companies that it controls;
-the other due diligence procedures that it is required to perform by law.
-the other statutory duties entrusted to it by the legislator. For this three-year assignment, the statutory auditor is exempt from performing the due diligence and reports mentioned in articles L. 223-19, L. 223-27, L. 223-34, L. 223-42, L. 225-40, L. 225-42, L. 225-88, L. 225-90, L. 225-103, L. 225-115, L. 225-135, L. 225-235, L. 225-244, L. 226-10-1, L. 227-10, L. 22-10-71, L. 232-3, L. 232-4, L. 233-6, L. 233-13, L. 237-6 and L. 239-2 of the French Commercial Code.
Compliance with the rules of professional conduct
08. The statutory auditor shall comply with the provisions of the profession’s code of ethics. He shall carry out his assignment in accordance with legal and regulatory texts and, with regard to professional practice standards, with this professional practice standard.
Critical thinking, professional judgement and proportionality
09. Throughout the engagement, the statutory auditor exercises critical judgement. In this respect, he critically assesses the validity of the information gathered in the course of his work and remains attentive to information that contradicts or calls into question the reliability of the information obtained.
10. The statutory auditor exercises professional judgement in deciding on the nature, timing and extent of the work, commensurate with the size and complexity of the entity, necessary to form an opinion on the financial statements and to report on financial, accounting and management risks.
Involvement of the statutory auditor
11. The statutory auditor must ensure that the executive understands the purpose of his assignment and the practical arrangements for carrying it out. If the statutory auditor uses the services of collaborators, he/she must ensure that he/she remains the main point of contact with the executive, in particular for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the entity and its environment and reporting the conclusions of the work performed.
Engagement letter
12. At the latest once the auditor has familiarised himself with the entity and its environment, he shall draw up an engagement letter which may cover the three financial years of his mandate and which defines the terms and conditions of his engagement. If necessary, he reviews the terms of the engagement letter during the term of the engagement. The auditor asks the entity to confirm in writing its agreement with the terms and conditions set out in the engagement letter.
Implementation of the financial statements certification engagement
13. In order to certify the accounts, the statutory auditor carries out an audit of the accounts in order to obtain assurance that the accounts, taken as a whole, are free from material misstatement. This high level of assurance, although not absolute due to the limitations of the audit, is conventionally referred to as “reasonable assurance”.
The limitations of the audit result in particular from the use of sampling techniques, the inherent limitations of internal control, and the fact that most of the information gathered during the audit leads more to presumptions than to certainties.
14. The concept of materiality is applied by the statutory auditor in planning and performing the audit, and then in assessing the impact of uncorrected misstatements in the accounts.
The statutory auditor applies the concept of materiality in planning and performing the audit.
The statutory auditor applies the concept of materiality by considering the amount of the misstatements, their nature and the particular circumstances in which they arose.
The determination of the materiality of misstatements is based on the following factors
Determining whether a misstatement is material is a matter for the auditor’s professional judgement and reflects the auditor’s perception of what may influence the judgement of users of the accounts.
To assess the materiality of a misstatement on the basis of its amount, the statutory auditor determines a materiality threshold, the amount beyond which economic decisions or judgement based on the accounts are likely to be influenced. This threshold is also used as a reference for determining the nature and scope of the audit procedures to be performed.
During the engagement, the statutory auditor determines the materiality threshold.
During the engagement, the statutory auditor reconsiders the materiality threshold if he becomes aware of new facts or changes in the entity that call into question the initial assessment of this threshold.
15. The process for carrying out the financial statement certification engagement includes the following phases:
-obtaining an understanding of the entity in order to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the accounts and planning the engagement;
the audit procedures performed in response to the assessment of the risks of material misstatement;
-the audit procedures performed in response to the assessment of the risks of material misstatement; and
-audit procedures performed independently of the assessment of the risks of material misstatement;
In addition, for the certification of consolidated financial statements, the statutory auditor refers to the approach set out in the professional practice standard relating to the principles applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements and applies it in a manner appropriate to the size and complexity of the consolidated entity.
The statutory auditor shall be alert to any event or circumstance that may call into question the going concern principle and shall assess whether the preparation of the accounts on a going concern basis is appropriate.
Pursuant to articles L. 823-13 and L. 823-14 of the French Commercial Code, the statutory auditor shall carry out any verifications and controls that it deems appropriate and may request any documents that it deems useful for the performance of its duties. When the statutory auditor is involved in an entity that is the head of a group, these investigations may be carried out both on the entity that is the head of the group and on the persons or entities that control it or that are controlled by it within the meaning of I and II and of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.
As part of the process aimed at improving the quality of the financial statements, the statutory auditor is required to carry out a number of audits.
As part of the process leading to the certification of the accounts, the statutory auditor identifies the financial, accounting and management risks to which the entity is exposed and which it considers to be of sufficient importance to be brought to the attention of the management. When the statutory auditor is involved in a group head entity, he shall also perform the procedures set out in paragraphs 35 to 37.
16. Where the entity uses the services of a chartered accountant, the statutory auditor shall contact the chartered accountant to find out about the content of the assignment entrusted to him. When considering whether to use the work of the chartered accountant, the statutory auditor is provided with the work performed and assesses whether it can contribute to the formation of his opinion on the financial statements. On the basis of this assessment, the statutory auditor determines the additional audit procedures that he deems necessary.
Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment to assess the risks of material misstatement of the accounts and planning the engagement
17. The statutory auditor obtains a sufficient understanding of the entity to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the accounts, whether due to error or fraud. To do this, the auditor interviews the entity’s senior management and, where appropriate, other relevant persons within the entity, and obtains an understanding of:
-the entity’s business sector and the more or less complex nature of its activities;
-its objectives and strategy;
its legal structure;
> – its organisation and financing
its organisation and funding;
– the legal and regulatory texts applicable
the applicable legal and regulatory texts, in particular those relating to accounting standards;
– the internal control elements relevant to the company’s operations
elements of internal control relevant to the audit;
– relations and transactions with third parties
relationships and transactions with related parties;
– the importance of accounting estimates
the significance of accounting estimates;
– the existence of legal proceedings, contractual agreements or other arrangements with related parties
-the existence of lawsuits, disputes or litigation;
The statutory auditor shall take into consideration the professional conduct and ethics of the manager and his involvement in the process of authorising and controlling operations.
18. When obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, the statutory auditor performs analytical procedures.
>Analytical procedures consist of assessing information about the entity and its environment.
Analytical procedures consist of assessing financial information on the basis of its correlation with other information, whether or not derived from the accounts, or with previous, subsequent or forecast data for the entity or for similar entities, and on the basis of an analysis of significant variations or unexpected trends.
Analytical procedures may, in particular, enable the statutory auditor to assess the entity’s financial position and the results of its operations.
Analytical procedures may in particular enable the statutory auditor to identify unusual or inconsistent transactions or events.
19. Once the statutory auditor has obtained an understanding of the entity and its environment, he shall record in an engagement plan:
-the general approach to the work in response to the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the accounts;
-the work programme defining the nature and extent of the due diligence estimated to be necessary;
the number of working hours allocated to the performance of this work;
– the materiality threshold used;
– the number of working hours allocated to the performance of this work
the materiality threshold used;
– the timetable and the parties involved.
-the timetable and the parties involved.
20. On the basis of the elements collected during the implementation of the audit procedures, the statutory auditor may decide to modify the elements planned and recorded in the engagement plan. This may lead the statutory auditor to modify his general approach, to review his choices and to plan additional or different work.
21. When the statutory auditor acts in respect of the first year of his mandate, he shall verify that the closing balance sheet of the previous financial year used for the opening of the first financial year for which he certifies the accounts does not contain any significant anomalies likely to have an impact on the accounts for the financial year. Where the accounts for the previous financial year have been certified by a statutory auditor, the statutory auditor shall, if he or she considers it necessary, examine the work file of his or her predecessor.
Unqualified certification of the accounts for the previous financial year constitutes a presumption that the opening balance sheet is in order and true. If the accounts for the previous financial year have not been certified or if the statutory auditor has not familiarised himself with his predecessor’s work file or has not obtained from the latter’s work the sufficient and appropriate elements deemed necessary, the procedures implemented for the purposes of certifying the accounts for the financial year may enable him to obtain sufficient and appropriate elements to conclude on certain account balances in the opening balance sheet. Where these procedures do not enable the statutory auditor to obtain the sufficient and appropriate information deemed necessary, the statutory auditor shall perform additional procedures.
When the accounts for the previous financial year have been audited, the statutory auditor shall perform additional procedures.
Where the accounts for the previous financial year have not been certified by a statutory auditor, the statutory auditor shall mention this in his report.
Audit procedures performed in response to the assessment of the risk of material misstatement
22. In response to its assessment of the risks of material misstatement, the statutory auditor designs and performs audit procedures that may include, in its professional judgment:
-tests of procedures;
-substantive testing consisting of tests of details and/or analytical procedures;
-a mixed approach using both procedural tests and substance checks.
23. The statutory auditor uses one or more of the following audit techniques:
-analytical procedures which, used as substantive controls, consist of assessing elements of the accounts based on their correlations with other financial or non-financial data. In order to do this, the auditor determines the amounts expected in the accounts and the differences deemed acceptable between these amounts and the amounts recorded;
the inspection of records or documents, which consists of examining records or documents, either internal or external, in paper, electronic or other form;
– the inspection of tangible fixed assets, which consists of examining tangible fixed assets in order to determine whether they are in good working order or whether they are in bad working order.
inspection of tangible assets, which consists of a physical check of tangible assets;
-physical observation, which consists of a physical inspection of tangible assets; and
-physical observation, which consists of examining the way in which a procedure is carried out within the entity;
-requests for information, which may be addressed to people inside or outside the entity;
> -requests for confirmation from third parties, which may be addressed to people inside or outside the entity;
a request for confirmation from a third party, which consists of obtaining a statement from a third party addressed directly to the statutory auditor concerning one or more items of information;
– the verification of a calculation;
– the verification of a calculation;
– the verification of a financial statement
verification of a calculation;
– re-performance of an order
-the re-performance of a control, which relates to controls originally performed by the entity.
24. The statutory auditor shall determine the appropriate methods for selecting the items to be audited from among the following:
-selection of all items, a method mainly used when the population consists of a small number of items;
-selection of specific elements, a method used to cover a large proportion of the population or to monitor elements that are unusual because of their size or nature;
-statistical or non-statistical surveys.
statistical or non-statistical surveys.
25. When the statutory auditor intervenes several weeks after the end of the financial year, he may consider it relevant to check trade receivables against receipts during the subsequent period and trade payables against invoices received or payments made after the end of the financial year. The use of these control techniques may make it possible to limit requests for confirmation from customers and suppliers or replace the need for such confirmations.
26. The timetable for the auditor’s involvement may also allow him to rely, for the audit of certain accounting estimates, on an examination of the post balance sheet settlement of the transactions covered by these estimates.
> The auditor’s role is to ensure that the accounting estimates used are accurate and reliable.
27. The statutory auditor shall attend the physical stocktaking of inventories when he considers that the inventories are material or present a risk of material misstatement. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, he cannot be present on the date scheduled for the physical inventory, and insofar as a permanent inventory exists, he shall attend on another date. Where the auditor’s presence at the physical inventory taking is impossible, in particular due to the nature and location of the inventory, the auditor shall determine whether it is possible to carry out alternative audit procedures providing evidence of an equivalent probative nature.
Audit procedures implemented
Audit procedures performed independently of the assessment of the risks of material misstatement
28. Independent of the assessment of the risks of material misstatement, the auditor designs and performs substantive procedures for each material account. Depending on his professional judgement, the statutory auditor may decide to limit his work to analytical procedures or to a limited number of tests of details.
29. In addition, the statutory auditor shall perform the following audit procedures:
-understanding the economic justification for significant transactions that appear to him to be outside the ordinary activities of the entity, or that appear to him to be unusual in the light of his knowledge of the entity and its environment;
-assessment of compliance with applicable accounting standards for the presentation of the financial statements, in particular for revenue recognition, including the information provided in the notes to the financial statements;
-reconciliation of the financial statements, including the information provided in the notes to the financial statements; and
-reconciliation of the accounts, including the information provided in the notes to the accounts, with the accounting documents from which they are derived;
-checking that the amounts reported in the notes to the accounts are in accordance with the applicable accounting standards; and
-checking that the amounts shown in the accounts for the previous financial year, including the notes to the accounts, have been carried forward;
-review of bank reconciliations at the end of the financial year;
review of inventory entries;
-identification and recognition of
-identification and consideration of post balance sheet events;
30. The statutory auditor shall review the overall consistency of the accounts with regard to the elements collected throughout the audit.
Treatment of anomalies identified during the engagement
31. During the course of the engagement, the statutory auditor shall communicate in a timely manner to the head of the entity or to the appropriate level of responsibility any misstatements he has identified other than those which are clearly immaterial. The statutory auditor shall request the correction of such misstatements.
At the end of the engagement, the statutory auditor shall summarise the uncorrected misstatements, other than those that are clearly insignificant, as well as the uncorrected misstatements identified during previous financial years, the effects of which are still continuing. It determines whether the uncorrected misstatements, taken individually or cumulatively, are material.
Written statements by management
32. If, in respect of one or more items to be audited, the audit procedures do not enable the statutory auditor to obtain the audit evidence necessary to form an opinion on the accounts, the statutory auditor may, on the basis of his professional judgement, ask the executive to confirm in writing some of his oral statements.
Where the executive refuses, the statutory auditor may ask the executive to confirm in writing some of his oral statements.
If the manager refuses, the statutory auditor will enquire as to the reasons for this refusal and, depending on the answers given, will draw any consequences on the expression of his opinion on the accounts.
Communication with the bodies mentioned in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code
33. In accordance with his professional judgement and at the time he deems appropriate with regard to the importance of the subject, the statutory auditor shall bring to the attention of the executive or other management body or the collegiate body responsible for administration or the supervisory body:
-the scope and timetable of the audit work;
-its comments, if any, on the entity’s accounting practices that are likely to have a material impact on the accounts;
any events or circumstances identified that may call into question the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern;
– any changes that the auditor considers should be made to the entity’s accounting policies
any amendments that it considers should be made to the accounts to be closed or to other accounting documents;
– any irregularities or inaccuracies in the accounts or other accounting documents
any irregularities or inaccuracies that it may have discovered;
– any conclusions drawn from the auditor’s observations
-the conclusions reached on the basis of the above observations and corrections concerning the results for the period compared with those for the previous period;
– the reasons for the observation, the reasons for the correction and the reasons for the correction
-the reasons for any observations, qualified certification, refusal to certify or inability to certify that it intends to make in its report on the financial statements.
34. The statutory auditor shall communicate in writing the important elements relating to his engagement when he considers that oral communication would not be appropriate or when legal or regulatory provisions specifically provide for it.
Due diligence in the preparation of the report on financial, accounting and management risks
35. With a view to drawing up the report on financial, accounting and management risks, the statutory auditor shall be attentive throughout his audit of the accounts to the financial, accounting and management risks to which the company is exposed and which he considers to be of sufficient importance to be brought to the attention of the manager.
36. When auditing a parent company, the statutory auditor is also attentive to the financial, accounting and management risks to which the companies it controls are exposed and which it may identify in the course of its audit of the parent company’s financial statements, in particular when acquainting itself with its activities and auditing the financial assets it holds and the information provided in the notes to the financial statements.
37. In addition, the statutory auditor of the head entity shall request the statutory auditors of the controlled companies appointed for a term of three financial years to provide reports on the financial, accounting and management risks to which these companies are exposed.
38. In the absence of a report on the financial, accounting and management risks of an audited company, or if such a report is not available within a timeframe compatible with the preparation of its risk report, the statutory auditor of the head entity of the group shall assess, in accordance with its professional judgement, whether it should supplement the information gathered in the context of its engagement to certify the financial statements of the head entity of the group with:
-interviews with the directors of the audited companies;
-and/ or exchanges with the statutory auditors of the audited companies, released from professional secrecy pursuant to 3rd paragraph of Article L. 822-15 of the French Commercial Code.
Other statutory duties entrusted by the legislator to the statutory auditor
39. The statutory auditor is responsible for checking the documents sent to the body called upon to approve the accounts. To this end, he shall perform the procedures provided for by the professional standard relating to the due diligence of the statutory auditor with regard to the management report, the other documents on the financial situation and the accounts and the information relating to the corporate governance report sent to the members of the body called upon to approve the accounts.
40. Pursuant to article L. 823-12 of the French Commercial Code, the statutory auditor shall report to the next general meeting or meeting of the competent body any irregularities or inaccuracies discovered during the performance of his duties and shall disclose to the public prosecutor any criminal offences of which he has become aware, without his liability being incurred as a result of such disclosure.
The statutory auditor shall report to the next general meeting or meeting of the competent body any irregularities or inaccuracies discovered during the performance of his duties and shall disclose to the public prosecutor any criminal offences of which he has become aware, without his liability being incurred as a result of such disclosure.
41. The statutory auditor shall also implement the provisions of the professional practice standard relating to the statutory auditor’s obligations with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
The statutory auditor shall also implement the provisions of the professional practice standard relating to the statutory auditor’s obligations with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
42. When the statutory auditor becomes aware, in the course of performing his duties, of facts likely to jeopardise the company’s ability to continue as a going concern, he shall implement the provisions laid down in the legal and regulatory texts relating to the early warning procedure and shall draw any conclusions therefrom in his report on the financial statements. Going concern is assessed over a period of twelve months from the end of the financial year.
43. More generally, the statutory auditor carries out the other legal duties entrusted to him by the legislator.
Statutory auditor’s report prepared pursuant to article L. 823-9 of the Commercial Code
44. The statutory auditor shall draw up the report referred to in paragraph 1 of Article L. 823-9 of the French Commercial Code, in which he shall certify, giving reasons for his assessments, that the annual financial statements are true and fair and give a true and fair view of the results of the operations for the past financial year and of the financial position and assets of the entity at the end of that year.
In addition, where the person or entity is a public limited company, the statutory auditor shall certify that the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the results of the operations for the past financial year and of the financial position and assets of the entity at the end of that year.
In addition, where the person or entity voluntarily decides to publish consolidated accounts, the statutory auditor draws up the report referred to in paragraph 2 of Article L. 823-9 of the Commercial Code in which he certifies, giving reasons for his assessments, that the consolidated accounts are true and fair and give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial position and results of the group formed by the persons and entities included in the consolidation.
45. The statutory auditor shall express his opinion in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 6 to 14 of the standard of professional practice relating to the statutory auditor’s reports on the annual and consolidated financial statements.
46. The purpose of the justification of the auditor’s assessments is to enable those to whom the report is addressed to better understand the opinion expressed on the financial statements.
The auditor, on the basis of the auditor’s assessments, shall prepare a report on the financial statements.
The statutory auditor, on the basis of his professional judgement, may adopt a succinct wording for the justification of his assessments.
47. The content of the report shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 18 of the standard on statutory auditors’ reports on the annual and consolidated financial statements.
Statutory auditor’s report on financial, accounting and management risks
48. The content and form of the report shall be adapted to the entity in accordance with the auditor’s professional judgement, on the basis of the financial, accounting and management risks identified during the work carried out and which the auditor considers to be of sufficient importance to be brought to the attention of management.
49. The statutory auditor shall ensure that his report on the risks is consistent with the opinion issued on the financial statements.
50. The statutory auditor shall, if he considers it necessary, make recommendations aimed at reducing the risks identified, taking into account the size of the entity and its characteristics. In such cases, the statutory auditor shall ensure compliance with the rules of independence and non-interference in management.
51. In the case of an entity that is the head of a group, the statutory auditor shall mention the sources of information used in the report on the financial, accounting and management risks relating to the entity as a whole, together with the companies that it controls.
52. Prior to issuing his report, the statutory auditor shall discuss the financial, accounting and management risks identified with the manager in order to ensure that the recommendations made are appropriate.
53. Depending on the significance of the risks referred to in his report, the statutory auditor, on the basis of his professional judgement, assesses the need to communicate all or part of the report to the other bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code.
Documentation of work
54. In compliance with Article R. 823-10 of the Commercial Code, the statutory auditor shall compile a file adapted to the size and characteristics of the audited entity, taking into account the principle of proportionality.
55. This file enables any other person with auditing experience who did not take part in the assignment to understand the approach adopted, the work performed, the opinion issued and the report on the financial, accounting and management risks.
56. In particular, the statutory auditor shall formalise in his file:
-exchanges with the head of the entity or with other parties concerning information gathered during the audit for the purpose of drawing up the report on financial, accounting and management risks;
-verbal exchanges with the governing bodies of the entity or with other parties concerning information gathered during the audit for the purpose of drawing up the report on financial, accounting and management risks
-verbal exchanges with the bodies referred to in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code and the date of these exchanges as well as a copy of its written communications.