1. Declarant (1)
Name or business name of the legal entity
Registered with the RCS, number
Identity and capacity of the signing legal representative.
2. Purpose of the declaration
Declares that the annual financial statements for the financial year ended on…… and which are filed as an appendix to the Trade and Companies Register will not be made public pursuant to article L. 232-25 of the Commercial Code and the first paragraph of article L. 524-6-6 of the rural and maritime fishing code.
3. Undertaking by the declarant
The undersigned certifies on his or her honour that the information contained in this declaration is accurate and that the above-mentioned company meets the definition of microenterprises within the meaning of article L. 123-16-1 of the French Commercial Code, is not mentioned in Article L. 123-16-2 and does not carry on the business of managing equity interests and securities.
Any false declaration of confidentiality of the annual accounts constitutes forgery and use of forgeries punishable by the fines and imprisonment provided for in articles 441-1 et seq. of the French Criminal Code.
Done at, on
(1) Information as listed in the RCS.