in relation to the examination of files
A-1.1. Date and purpose of the application (creation/extension and total surface area created).
A-1.2. Location (postal address: number and street, commune, Cedex, name of commercial estate, name of shopping centre, department code) and type of project (commercial complex/isolated shop).
A-1.3. Main sign.
A-1.4. Opening turnover and workforce (*)
A-1.5. Date and decision of the commission départementale d’équipement commercial (CDEC).
A-1.6. Details of the decision (number of voters, yes, no and invalid votes, observations).
A-1.7. Date and decision of the Commission nationale d’équipement commercial (CNEC).
A-2. Identification of the applicant
A-2.1. Applicant’s SIREN number, company name and postal address, name of manager (*), telephone (*), fax (*) and e-mail address (*).
B-1.1. Postal address (number and street, type of commercial premises, type of commercial centre, name of commercial estate, name of shopping centre, name of district, type of urban regeneration zone [ZRU], type of concerted development zone for urban centres [ZACCU], commune, Cedex, name of canton, name of arrondissement, name and departmental code), indoor, outdoor and total sales areas and/or number of refuelling positions.
B-1.2 Date of authorisation and, where applicable, building permit.
B-2.1. SIRET number and name of the commercial establishment (trade name), and its activity codes and activity sectors (NAF coding).
B-2.2. Name of the trading name, type of shop, type of network, opening date, closing date, operated, virtual, marketability, end of marketability date, extension date.
B-2.3. telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the establishment (**).
B-2.4. Name of the shop manager (**)
B-2.5. Opening and current sales and staff numbers (**).
B-3.1. Company name and SIREN number, name of manager (**), telephone (**), e-mail address (**).
(*) Information intended exclusively for the DGCCRF and the DCASPL. (**) Information intended exclusively for the DGCCRF, DCASPL, HFDS, DGTPE, INSEE, DDE and ODEC/OREC.