Article 1
This code defines the ethics to which the statutory auditor is subject in the exercise of his professional activity, whatever the nature of the engagements or services he provides. Its provisions are binding on all statutory auditors, regardless of their mode of practice.
For the purposes of this Code, the term “engagements” refers to statutory audit engagements and other engagements entrusted by law or regulation to the statutory auditor, and the term “services” refers to services and attestations provided by a statutory auditor, outside or as part of a statutory engagement.
Compliance with the provisions of this Code shall be verified during audits and investigations to which statutory auditors are subject.
Article 2
The statutory auditor shall comply with the laws and regulations as well as with the provisions of this Code.
Title I applies to the statutory auditor in the exercise of his professional activity, regardless of the nature of the engagement or service he provides.
Title II applies to the statutory auditor who performs an audit engagement, as well as another engagement or service for the entity whose accounts he certifies.
Section 1: Fundamental principles of behaviour
Article 3
A statutory auditor shall carry out his professional activity honestly and uprightly. He shall refrain, in all circumstances, from any action contrary to honour and probity.
Article 4
In the exercise of his professional activity, the statutory auditor shall maintain an impartial attitude in all circumstances. He shall base his conclusions and judgements on an objective analysis of all the data of which he is aware, without prejudice or bias.
He shall avoid any situation that would expose him to influences likely to undermine his impartiality.
Article 5
Independence and prevention of conflicts of interest.
I. – The statutory auditor must be independent of the person or entity to which he provides an engagement or service. They must also avoid placing themselves in a situation that could be perceived as compromising the impartial performance of their engagement or service. These requirements apply throughout the duration of the engagement or service, both during and outside the performance thereof.
Any person who would be in a position to influence directly or indirectly the outcome of the engagement or service is subject to the independence requirements mentioned in this article.
II. – The statutory auditor’s independence is assessed both in reality and in appearance. It is characterised by the objective exercise of the powers and competences conferred by law. It guarantees that the auditor’s conclusions are free from any bias, conflict of interest or influence arising from direct or indirect personal, financial or professional ties, including between partners, employees, members of the auditor’s network and the person or entity to which the auditor provides the engagement or service. It also guarantees the absence of any risk of self-review leading the statutory auditor to express an opinion or make an assessment on matters resulting from engagements or services provided by himself, the company to which he belongs, a member of his network or any other person who would be in a position to influence the outcome of the engagement or service.
III. – When exposed to risky situations, the statutory auditor shall immediately take the appropriate safeguarding measures with a view to either eliminating the cause or reducing the effects to a sufficiently low level so that his independence is not likely to be affected and to allow the acceptance or continuation of the engagement or service in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements and those of this Code.
When the safeguards are insufficient to guarantee his independence, he shall terminate the engagement or the service.
Article 6
Critical spirit.
In the exercise of his professional activity, the statutory auditor shall adopt an attitude characterised by a critical spirit.
Article 7
Competence and diligence
The statutory auditor must possess the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to carry out his assignments and services. He shall maintain a high level of competence, in particular by regularly updating his knowledge and participating in training.
The statutory auditor shall ensure that his employees have the appropriate skills for the proper performance of the tasks he entrusts to them and that they receive and maintain an appropriate level of training.
When the statutory auditor does not have the skills required to carry out certain work essential to the performance of his engagement or service himself, he shall call on experts who are independent of the person or entity for whom he is carrying out the work.
The statutory auditor must demonstrate professional conscientiousness, which consists in carrying out each engagement or service diligently and devoting appropriate care to it.
Article 8
In compliance with the obligations attached to their professional activity, statutory auditors shall maintain relations of confraternity among themselves. They shall refrain from any act or comment that is disloyal to a colleague or likely to tarnish the image of the profession.
They shall endeavour to resolve their professional disputes amicably. If necessary, they shall seek conciliation from the president of their regional company or, if they belong to separate regional companies, from the presidents of their respective companies.
Article 9
Professional secrecy and discretion.
Auditors shall respect the professional secrecy to which they are bound by law. He shall only communicate the information he holds to persons legally qualified to know it.
He shall exercise caution and discretion in the use of information concerning persons or entities to which he does not provide an engagement or service.
Section 2: Conduct of the engagement or service
Article 10
Recourse to collaborators and experts
The statutory auditor may be assisted or represented by collaborators or experts. He may not delegate his powers to them. He always retains full responsibility for his assignment or service. He shall ensure that the collaborators or experts to whom he entrusts work comply with the rules applicable to the profession and are independent of the person or entity to which he provides his engagement or service.
Article 10-1 (Repealed)
Article 11
End of engagement or service.
The statutory auditor may not resign from an engagement or end a service in order to evade the declaration of sums or transactions suspected of being of illicit origin.
Section 3: Fees
Article 12
General principle
The remuneration of the statutory auditor shall be commensurate with the importance of the work to be performed, taking into account, on the one hand, the nature of the engagement or service and, on the other hand, the size, nature and complexity of the activities of the person or entity for which it is performed.
The statutory auditor may not accept a level of fees that is likely to compromise the quality of his work.
A disproportion between the amount of fees received and the importance of the work to be performed affects the statutory auditor’s independence and objectivity. The latter must then implement the appropriate safeguards.
The method of calculating fees relating to work or diligence not provided for at the time of acceptance of the engagement or service, but which would appear to be necessary for its performance, must be agreed at the time of acceptance of the engagement or service or, failing that, at the time when it appears that additional work or diligence must be carried out.
Article 13
Subordinate fees
A statutory auditor may not accept any form of proportional or conditional remuneration.
Article 14
Prohibition on solicitations and gifts.
The statutory auditor, the company of statutory auditors to which he belongs, where applicable, the members of the management of the said company and the persons mentioned in II of Article L. 822-11-3 are prohibited from soliciting or accepting gifts in pecuniary or non-pecuniary form or favours from the person or entity whose accounts are certified or from any person or entity that controls it or that is controlled by it within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3 of the Commercial Code, unless their value does not exceed a ceiling set by order of the Minister of Justice.
Section 4: Advertising, personalised solicitation and online services
Article 15
Advertising is permitted for statutory auditors insofar as it provides the public with necessary information. The means used for this purpose shall be implemented in such a way as not to undermine the independence, dignity and honour of the profession, nor the rules of professional secrecy, loyalty towards clients and other members of the profession.
Auditors shall use the title of auditor and shall have it followed by the indication of the regional company of which they are a member.
When presenting their professional activity to third parties, by whatever means, statutory auditors must not adopt any form of expression that is likely to compromise the dignity of their office or the image of the profession.
Advertising is free from any comparative element.
Article 16
Personalised solicitation and online service proposals.
I. – Any personalised solicitation and any proposal for online services shall provide sincere information on the nature of the engagements and services offered by statutory auditors. Their implementation shall comply with the ethical rules applicable to the profession, in particular the principles of dignity, confraternity and loyalty towards clients and other members of the profession.
They shall exclude any comparative or disparaging element.
II. – Personalised canvassing may only be carried out in the form of a postal or electronic mailing addressed to a specific natural or legal person who is the recipient of the service offer. Physical or telephone canvassing, as well as any text message sent to a mobile telephone terminal, are also excluded.
The personalised solicitation specifies the methods for determining the professional’s fees.
III. – The use of domain names consisting solely of the title of the profession or a title that could lead to confusion or the name of an activity carried out by the profession, is prohibited.
The websites of statutory auditors may not include any advertising inserts or banners, other than those of the profession or professions with which they are authorised to associate.
Section 5: Limitations and prohibitions
Article 17
Monopolies of other professions – Legal advice and drafting of deeds.
I. – The statutory auditor shall respect the monopolies of other professions.
II. – In particular, he may only give legal advice and draw up private deeds under the conditions set out in article 59 of law no. 71-1130 of 31 December 1971.
III. – When providing a service leading him to receive, keep or deliver funds or securities, or to give a receipt, the statutory auditor signs a special mandate with the person or entity requesting it, specifying that this operation is carried out by electronic transfer through the provision of specific access codes to the online bank accounts of this person or entity.
Initial Article
The statutory auditor performs a mission of general interest under the conditions laid down by law.
Section 1: Prohibitions – risk situations and safeguard measures
Article 18
Prohibited services for the certification of the accounts of a public interest entity.
The services mentioned in II of Article L. 822-11 are prohibited.
Article 19
Identification and treatment of risks.
I. – The statutory auditor shall identify the risks likely to affect in any way the formation or expression of his opinion or the performance of his statutory audit assignment, whether he is certifying the accounts of a public interest entity or those of another entity.
His assessment shall relate in particular to the risks of compromising integrity, impartiality and independence. It also covers the risks of conflicts of interest or self-review, as well as those resulting from personal, professional or financial ties.
It takes into account, in particular, the risks and constraints resulting, where applicable, from its membership of a network, especially when it is in one of the situations mentioned in Article L. 822-11-1 of the Commercial Code.
It also takes into account the risks of self-review leading it to give an opinion or make an assessment on matters resulting from services provided by itself, the company to which it belongs, a member of its network or any other person who would be in a position to influence the outcome of the certification engagement.
II. – When exposed to risk situations, the statutory auditor shall immediately take the appropriate safeguarding measures in accordance with the provisions of III of Article 5 of this Code.
The statutory auditor must be able to justify that he has carried out an analysis of the situation and the risks and, where necessary, that he has taken the appropriate measures.
He may only accept or continue a statutory audit engagement if he is able to justify that his professional judgement, the expression of his opinion or the performance of his statutory audit engagement are not affected.
III. – In the event of serious doubt or difficulty of interpretation, the statutory auditor shall refer the matter to the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes for an opinion.
Article 20
Risks related to mergers or acquisitions involving the person or entity whose accounts are certified.
When, during the period covered by the financial statements, a person or entity whose accounts are certified merges with, acquires or is acquired by another person or entity, the statutory auditor shall assess whether, at the date on which the merger or acquisition takes effect, the current or recent interests or relationships maintained with that person or entity, in particular the engagements and services other than the certification of the accounts that have been provided to it, are such as to compromise its independence.
It shall take all necessary safeguards to put an end to the situation compromising its independence, as soon as possible and at the latest within three months of the effective date of the merger or acquisition. If the safeguards are insufficient to guarantee its independence, it shall terminate its mandate.
Section 2: Acceptance, conduct and continuation of the statutory audit engagement of the statutory auditor
Article 21
Acceptance of a statutory audit engagement
Before accepting an audit engagement, the statutory auditor shall verify that its performance is compatible with the legal and regulatory requirements and those of this Code.
To this end, he shall verify and record the elements provided for in Article L. 820-3 of the French Commercial Code and gathers the necessary information:
a) On the structure of the person or entity whose accounts are to be certified, its shareholding structure and its field of activity;
b) On its management structure and the policy of its managers with regard to internal control in connection with the process of consolidating the accounts and financial reporting.
Where the certification engagement concerns a person or entity that prepares consolidated accounts, the statutory auditor shall also endeavour to obtain the necessary information on the statutory auditors or auditors of the persons or entities included in the scope of consolidation, and on the regulatory framework to which the latter are subject.
Article 22
Identification and prevention of risks relating to engagements or services prior to the statutory audit engagement
I. – Before accepting his appointment, the statutory auditor shall analyse the nature of the assignments or services that he or, where applicable, the network to which he belongs, have previously performed for the person or entity concerned or for the person that controls it or that is controlled by it, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3, in order to identify, in particular, the risks of self-review that could result from the continuation of their effects over time. In such a case, he shall communicate to the person or entity whose accounts he will be responsible for certifying, so that it can be made available to the shareholders and members, the information concerning the engagements or services performed prior to his appointment.
II. – The statutory auditor may not accept an engagement to certify the accounts of a public interest entity if, during the financial year preceding that for which the accounts are to be certified, he or any member of his network has provided, directly or indirectly to the public interest entity, to the persons or entities that control it or that are controlled by it in the European Union, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3 of the Commercial Code, the services that are mentioned in e of 1 of Article 5 of EU Regulation 537/2014.
Article 23
Conduct of the engagement.
I. – The statutory auditor shall perform his statutory audit in accordance with the auditing standards referred to in Articles L. 821-13 and L. 821-14 of the French Commercial Code.
He shall be attentive to matters that might reveal the existence of any material misstatements due to error or fraud and shall carry out a critical assessment of the evidence for the certification of the accounts.
II. – Where the statutory auditor uses experts pursuant to Article 10 of this Code, in the performance of an audit engagement, the statutory auditor shall record in writing the request made and the conclusions received.
Article 24
Exercise of the statutory audit engagement by several statutory auditors
When the accounts of a person or entity are certified by several statutory auditors, the latter must belong to distinct professional practice structures, i.e. which do not have common managers, do not have capital or financial links between them and do not belong to the same network.
Statutory auditors communicate to each other proposals for engagements or services other than the certification of accounts made to the person or entity whose accounts are certified.
When statutory auditors, sharing the same statutory audit engagement, are unable to agree on their respective contributions, they refer the matter to the president of their regional company or, if they belong to separate regional companies, to the president of their respective companies.
Article 25
Continuation and renewal of the statutory audit engagement
During his term of office, the statutory auditor shall ensure that the legal and regulatory requirements and those of this Code, fulfilled when accepting the statutory audit engagement, are still complied with; in particular, he shall carry out this verification before accepting the renewal of his engagement.
Article 26
Succession between colleagues
The statutory auditor called upon to succeed as statutory auditor to a statutory auditor whose expiring mandate will not be renewed must, before accepting this appointment, satisfy this colleague that the non-renewal of his mandate is not motivated by a desire on the part of the audited person or entity to circumvent legal obligations.
The same obligation applies to the alternate statutory auditor called upon to succeed by operation of law to the incumbent statutory auditor who resigns or is prevented from doing so, before the normal expiry date of his term of office.
Article 27
Information on the end date of the term of office.
The statutory auditor whose appointment cannot continue until its expiry date by application of the provisions of Article L. 823-3-1 shall inform the person or entity without delay at the time of its appointment or renewal.
Article 28
I. – The statutory auditor shall carry out his assignment until the end of its term. He shall, however, have the right to resign for legitimate reasons.
A legitimate reason for resignation is:
a) Permanent cessation of activity;
b) A compelling personal reason, in particular a state of health;
c) Difficulties encountered in the performance of the engagement, when it is not possible to remedy them;
d) The occurrence of an event likely to compromise compliance with the rules applicable to the profession, and in particular to undermine the independence or objectivity of the statutory auditor.
The statutory auditor shall attach to his file the various elements justifying his resignation.
II. – The statutory auditor may not resign in order to evade his legal obligations relating in particular to:
1° The alert procedure and the whistleblowing procedure provided for in Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of 16 April 2014;
2° The disclosure of criminal acts to the public prosecutor;
3° The issuance of his opinion on the accounts.
Nor may he resign under conditions that generate prejudice for the person or entity concerned. He must be able to justify that he has analysed the situation.
III. – A statutory auditor who resigns shall inform the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes and state the reasons for his decision.
He shall also inform the Autorité des Marchés Financiers and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution when the person or entity concerned is subject to these authorities.
Section 3: Practice in a network
Article 29
Belonging to a network
Prior to any acceptance of a statutory audit engagement and during his term of office, the statutory auditor must be able to justify whether or not he belongs to a national or international network, whose exclusive activity is not statutory audit and whose members have a common economic interest and that he has carried out an analysis of the situation.
Indicators of membership of such a network include:
a) Common management or coordination at national or international level;
b) Any mechanism leading to revenue or result sharing or to transfers of remuneration or costs in France or abroad;
c) The possibility of commissions paid as remuneration for business brought in;
d) A common name or distinctive sign;
e) A common usual clientele;
f) The publication or use of documents intended for the public presenting the network or each of its members and mentioning multidisciplinary skills;
g) The design or development of common technical tools.
However, the design or development of common technical tools does not constitute such evidence when it is part of a technical association whose sole purpose is the design or development of such tools, the sharing of knowledge or the exchange of experience.
In the event of doubt as to whether it belongs to a network, the statutory auditor shall refer the matter to the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes for an opinion.
Article 30
Specific organisation of the statutory auditor who is a member of a network.
When a statutory auditor belongs to a national or international network, whose exclusive activity is not statutory audit and whose members have a common economic interest, he must set up an organisation and procedures enabling him to be informed of the nature and price of the services provided or likely to be provided by all the members of the network to any person or entity whose accounts he certifies, as well as to the persons or entities that control it or that are controlled by it, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3.
Section 4: Personal, financial and professional links
Article 31
Members of the management and persons deemed to perform so-called sensitive functions
For the application of this Code, a member of the management of a firm of statutory auditors is any person who may influence the opinions expressed in the context of the statutory audit engagement or who has decision-making power with regard to the management, remuneration, promotion or supervision of the members of the team responsible for this engagement.
For the application of these same provisions, the following are deemed to perform “sensitive” functions within the person whose accounts are certified:
a) Any person with the status of company officer;
b) Any employee of the person or entity responsible for keeping the accounts or preparing the financial statements and management documents;
c) Any senior manager who can exert an influence on the preparation of these statements and documents.
Article 32
Incompatibilities resulting from personal ties.
I. – For the application of this Code, a personal relationship is constituted by the relationship between:
1° Ascendants and descendants in the first degree;
2° Collaterals in the first degree;
3° Spouses, persons bound by a civil solidarity pact, or cohabitants within the meaning of Article 515-8 of the Civil Code.
II. – Any personal relationship between, on the one hand, a person occupying a sensitive position within the person or entity whose accounts are certified and, on the other hand:
1° The statutory auditor;
2° One of the members of the management of the firm of statutory auditors is incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit engagement.
III. – The links defined in I are incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit engagement when they are established between, on the one hand, a person occupying a sensitive function within the person or entity whose accounts are certified by the statutory auditor and, on the other hand, a partner or employee of the statutory auditor, any other person involved in the certification engagement, or a member of the network to which the statutory auditor belongs, if the existence of such links would lead an objective, reasonable and informed third party to conclude that, despite the safeguards applied, the statutory auditor’s independence is compromised.
Article 33
Incompatibilities resulting from financial ties.
I. – Financial ties between, on the one hand, the person or entity whose accounts are audited or a person or entity that controls it or is controlled by it within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code and, on the other hand, the statutory auditor, the firm of statutory auditors to which it belongs, the partners and employees of the statutory auditor participating in the certification engagement, or any other person participating in the certification engagement as well as persons related to them within the meaning of 3° of I of Article 25 of this Code and within the meaning of paragraph 26 of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 and relating to the following transactions:
1° The acquisition or holding, directly or indirectly, of shares or any other securities giving or capable of giving access, directly or indirectly, to the capital or voting rights of the person or entity whose accounts are certified.
2° The acquisition or holding, directly or indirectly, of financial instruments defined by Article L. 211-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code.
By way of derogation from the first paragraph, the holding of shares, securities or financial instruments through diversified collective investment schemes, including managed funds such as pension funds or life insurance funds for which the holder has no power to influence investment management, is not incompatible with the performance of a statutory audit engagement.
II. – Financial links established between the same persons as those mentioned in I are incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit if the transactions have not been carried out or subscribed to under normal market conditions and relate to:
1° Any time deposit of funds;
2° The granting or maintaining of any loan or advance;
3° The taking out of a life insurance contract;
4° The granting or obtaining of sureties and guarantees.
These links are also incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit engagement when they are established between the person or entity whose accounts are audited and the statutory auditor subsequent to his appointment or designation.
III. – The financial relationships referred to in 1° and 2° of I and in 1° to 4° of II and established between, on the one hand, the person or entity whose accounts are certified and, on the other hand, the members of the network to which the statutory auditor belongs, the persons who control the statutory auditor company or who are controlled by it, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3 of the Commercial Code, if the existence of these links could lead an objective, reasonable and informed third party to conclude that, despite the safeguards applied, the statutory auditor’s independence is compromised.
Article 34
Incompatibilities resulting from professional links.
I. – A professional relationship exists between two persons where they are bound by a contract of employment or a business relationship that is not a current transaction concluded under usual market conditions.
II. – Any professional relationship between, on the one hand, the person or entity whose accounts are being audited or its directors and, on the other hand, the statutory auditor or one of the members of the management of the firm of statutory auditors, as well as persons closely linked to them within the meaning of paragraph 26 of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014, is incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit engagement.
III. – Any professional relationship between, on the one hand, the person or entity whose accounts are certified or its managers and, on the other hand, the partners and employees of the statutory auditor who are involved in the certification engagement, any other person involved in the certification engagement, is incompatible with the performance of the statutory audit engagement, as well as persons closely linked to them within the meaning of Article 3(26) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014, if the existence of such a link leads an objective, reasonable and informed third party to conclude that, despite the safeguards applied, the auditor’s independence is compromised.
Article 35
The occurrence during the engagement of one of the situations referred to in Articles 32, 33 and 34 shall lead the statutory auditor to draw the consequences thereof without delay.
Section 5: Fees
Article 36
Financial independence.
I. – The total fees received from a person or entity whose accounts are certified and, where applicable, from a person or entity that controls it or is controlled by it, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, must not create any financial dependence of the statutory auditor on the person or entity whose accounts are certified.
There is a risk of financial dependence when the total fees received during the accounts certification engagement represent a significant proportion of the statutory auditor’s total professional income when the statutory auditor is a natural person or of the total turnover when the statutory auditor is a legal entity.
Where there is a risk of financial dependence, the statutory auditor will put in place appropriate safeguard measures.
In the event of serious difficulty, the statutory auditor will refer the matter to the High Council for an opinion.
II. – Where the statutory auditor performs a statutory audit engagement for a public interest entity, he shall also comply with the provisions of Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014.
Article 37
Information on fees
I. – The statutory auditor shall inform the person or entity whose accounts it is responsible for certifying of the amount of all fees:
a) that he has received in respect of his statutory audit engagement;
b) that he has received in respect of engagements and services other than the certification of accounts;
c) that the network, to which he belongs, if its exclusive activity is not the statutory audit of accounts, has received in respect of engagements other than the statutory audit and services, provided to a person controlled or which controls, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3, the person or entity whose accounts are being audited.
II. – Where the statutory auditor’s engagement relates to the statutory audit of consolidated accounts, the information disclosed must relate to the fees received by the network in respect of engagements and services other than the certification of the accounts and which have been provided to the companies included in the scope of consolidation of the person or entity whose accounts are certified or, where applicable, to the person or entity that controls it, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3.
It is also the responsibility of the statutory auditor to take all measures required to meet the obligations to declare fees, for engagements and services provided both by itself and by the network to which it belongs, to a person or entity that controls or that controls, within the meaning of I and II of Article L. 233-3, the person or entity whose accounts are being certified.