National education, higher education and research.
Corporations of civil servants:
-Researchers, engineers, assistant engineers and research technicians governed by decree no. 83-1260 of 30 December 1983 as amended.
-Research teachers governed by decree no. 84-431 of 6 June 1984 as amended and research teachers belonging to specific bodies listed in the appendix to the said decree.
-Engineers, assistant engineers and research and training technicians governed by decree no. 85-1534 of 31 December 1985 as amended.
-Senior nuclear physics engineers, nuclear physics engineers, senior nuclear physics technicians, nuclear physics technicians, nuclear physics workshop technicians, nuclear physics study technicians, nuclear physics preparators and nuclear physics prototypists, governed by Decree no. 85-1462 of 30 December 1985 as amended.
-Chargés de mission de la recherche du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, governed by decree no. 85-1461 of 30 December 1985;
Agents non titulaires:
-researchers governed by decree no. 80-31 of 17 January 1980 as amended.
-engineers and specialists governed by decree no. 59-1405 of 9 December 1959 as amended.
-scientific and contract staff governed by decree no. 80-479 of 27 June 1980 .
-professors and associate lecturers covered by article 54, paragraph 2, of law no. 84-52 of 26 January 1984 and law no. 85-1223 of 22 November 1985.
-research assistants governed by decree no. 85-402 of 3 April 1985 amended by decree no. 92-339 of 30 March 1992 .
-moniteurs et allocataires-moniteurs normaliens régis par le décret n° 89-794 du 30 octobre 1989 modifié.
-moniteurs en pharmacie régis par le décret n° 92-1229 du 19 novembre 1992 modifié.
-attachés temporaires d’enseignement et de recherche régis par le décret n° 88-654 du 7 mai 1988 modifié.
-Chercheurs associés au Centre national de la recherche scientifique régis par le décret n° 69-894 du 26 septembre 1969 modifié.
-Agents contractuels hors catégorie, de catégorie exceptionnelle et de première catégorie régis par le règlement intérieur du 30 mars 1988 portant dispositions applicables aux agents contractuels du Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts.
-Ingénieurs et spécialistes de l’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale régis par le décret n° 64-420 du 12 mai 1964 modifié.
-Ingénieurs experts de l’Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique régis par le décret n° 86-83 du 17 janvier 1986 modifié.
-Agents recruited by public scientific and technological establishments in application of the provisions of article 23 of amended law no. 82-610 of 15 July 1982 on the orientation and programming of research and technological development in France.
-Other employees recruited by public scientific and technological establishments and higher education establishments in application of articles 4 and 6 of amended law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the State civil service to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 of the Education Code or after obtaining such a doctorate.
-agents recruited in the industrial and commercial activity departments of public higher education establishments pursuant to article L. 123-5 of the Education Code to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 of the Education Code or after obtaining such a doctorate.
Higher education, research and social affairs:
-members of the teaching and hospital staff of university and hospital centres, governed by decree no. 2021-1645 of 13 December 2021 relating to the teaching and hospital staff of university and hospital centres.
tenured and non-tenured university teaching staff in general medicine, governed by decree no. 2008-744 of 28 July 2008.
Agriculture, fisheries and food.
Corps de fonctionnaires:
-ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts régis par le décret n° 65-426 du 4 juin 1965 modifié.
-ingénieurs d’agronomie régis par le décret n° 65-427 du 4 juin 1965 modifié.
-ingénieurs des travaux des eaux et forêts régis par le décret n° 70-128 du 14 février 1970 modifié.
-rural works engineers governed by decree no. 65-688 of 10 August 1965 as amended.
-agricultural works engineers governed by decree no. 65-690 of 10 August 1965 as amended.
-veterinary inspectors governed by decree no. 62-1439 of 26 November 1962 as amended.
-scientific staff at the Centre national d’études vétérinaires et alimentaires governed by decree no. 64-642 of 29 June 1964 as amended.
-teacher-researchers at public higher education establishments under the authority of the minister responsible for agriculture governed by decree no. 92-171 of 21 February 1992 .
-engineers, assistant engineers and technicians governed by decree no. 95-370 of 6 April 1995 .
-technicians in the departments of the ministry responsible for agriculture governed by decree no. 96-501 of 7 June 1996 .
Non-tenured staff:
-associate or guest staff in higher education and research establishments under the authority of the minister responsible for agriculture, governed by decree no. 95-621 of 6 May 1995 .
-contractual teaching and research assistants in public higher education establishments under the authority of the minister responsible for agriculture, governed by decree no. 91-374 of 16 April 1991 .
-other agents recruited by public establishments participating in the public higher education service in application of articles 4 and 6 of amended law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the State civil service to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 of the Education Code or after obtaining such a doctorate.
Corps of civil servants:
-Corps des ingénieurs des mines governed by decree no. 88-507 of 29 April 1988 as amended.
-Ingénieurs de l’industrie et des mines governed by decree no. 88-507 of 29 April 1988 as amended.
-Professors, lecturers and assistants at the écoles nationales supérieures des mines and écoles nationales supérieures des techniques industrielles et des mines governed by decree no. 2007-468 of 28 March 2007.
-Laboratory technicians assigned to the écoles nationales supérieures des mines and écoles nationales supérieures des techniques industrielles et des mines and governed by decree no. 2012-1002 of 29 August 2012.
-Engineers in the interministerial corps of telecommunications engineers governed by decree no. 67-715 of 16 August 1967.
-State employees seconded to posts at the Institut Mines-Télécom under 1° of Article 36 of Decree no. 96-1177 of 27 December 1996.
Non-tenured staff
-Researchers and engineers governed by Decree no. 2000-677 of 18 July 2000 on common statutory provisions for contract staff at the écoles nationales supérieures des mines and écoles nationales supérieures des techniques industrielles et des mines placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for industry;
-Research assistants governed by Decree no. 71-999 of 7 December 1971;
-Associate teaching staff, researchers and engineers governed by Decree no. 70-663 of 10 July 1970 as amended.
-Contractual agents responsible for exceptional class assignments, contractual agents responsible for normal class assignments, non-category contractual agents and 1st category contractual agents governed by decree no. 75-62 of 28 January 1975 as amended.
-Public law contractual staff of the Institut Mines-Télécom recruited under 2° of article 36 of decree no. 96-1177 of 27 December 1996 and governed by decree no. 86-83 of 17 January 1986 as amended.
-other agents recruited by public establishments participating in the public higher education service pursuant to articles 4 and 6 of amended law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the State civil service to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 of the Education Code or after obtaining such a doctorate.
Environment, transport and housing.
Civil servant bodies:
-engineers of bridges, water and forests governed by decree no. 2009-1106 of 10 September 2009 on the special status of the body of engineers of bridges, water and forests;
-sustainable development research officers and research directors governed by decree no. 83-1260 of 30 December 1983 laying down common statutory provisions for civil servants in public scientific and technological establishments and decree no. 2014-1324 of 4 November 2014 laying down specific statutes for the body of sustainable development research officers and the body of sustainable development research directors;
State public works engineers governed by decree no. 2005-631 of 30 May 2005 on the special status of the body of State public works engineers;
-Geographic and engineering works engineers governed by decree no. 2005-631 of 30 May 2005 on the special status of the body of State public works engineers;
State geographic and cartographic engineers governed by decree no. 73-264 of 6 March 1973 relating to the special status of State geographic and cartographic engineers;
-Secretary of State for Public Works and Transport
meteorological engineers governed by decree no. 65-184 of 5 March 1965 relating to the special status of meteorological engineers;
-design and engineering engineers governed by decree no. 65-184 of 5 March 1965 relating to the special status of meteorological engineers
civil aviation research and operations engineers governed by decree no. 71-917 of 8 November 1971 relating to the special status of the civil aviation research and operations engineers corps;
-air traffic control engineers governed by decree no. 65-184 of 5 March 1965 relating to the special status of meteorological engineers
air traffic control engineers governed by decree no. 90-998 of 8 November 1990 on the status of the air traffic control engineers corps;
-air traffic control electronics engineers governed by decree no. 90-998 of 8 November 1990 on the status of the air traffic control engineers corps
electronic engineers for aviation safety systems governed by decree no. 91-56 of 16 January 1991 on the status of the body of electronic engineers for aviation safety systems;
-senior sustainable development engineers governed by decree no. 91-56 of 16 January 1991 on the status of the body of electronic engineers for aviation safety systems;
Senior sustainable development technicians governed by Decree no. 2012-1064 of 18 September 2012 on the special status of the body of senior sustainable development technicians.
Non-tenured staff:
Non-tenured staff at category A level governed by the following provisions:
-Regulation of 14 May 1973 governing non-tenured staff of the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées and the Centres d’Études Techniques de l’Equipement mentioned in article 127 of law no. 2005-1720 of 30 December 2005 on the rectifying finances for 2005;
decision of 18 March 1992 instituting the national internal rules for category A staff of the ministry for ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea, responsible for green technologies and climate negotiations;
-decree of 7 September 2006 on the national internal rules for category A staff of the ministry for ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea, responsible for green technologies and climate negotiations;
Decree of 7 September 2006 on the regulations governing non-permanent staff employed by the Road and Motorway Engineering Department, governed by Decree No. 86-83 of 17 January 1986;
-Other staff recruited by the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, responsible for green technologies and climate negotiations
-other employees recruited by public establishments participating in the public higher education service in application of articles 4 and 6 of law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the State civil service to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 du code de l’éducation ou après l’obtention d’un tel doctorat.
Other personnel:
-ouvriers des parcs et ateliers des ponts et chaussées et des bases aériennes régis par le décret n° 65-382 du 21 mai 1965 relatif aux ouvriers des parcs et ateliers des ponts et chaussées et des bases aériennes admis au bénéfice de la loi du 21 mars 1928, relevant des classifications techniciens.
Civil and military civil servants:
-armament engineers governed by decree no. 82-1067 of 15 December 1982, as amended;
-military petrol engineers governed by decree no. 76-802 of 19 August 1976, as amended;
-army practitioners governed by decree no. 2004-534 of 14 June 2004;
-design and technical engineers governed by decree no. 79-1135 of 27 December 1979, as amended;
-civilian defence engineers governed by decree no. 89-750 of 18 October 1989 as amended;
-senior design and manufacturing technicians of the Ministry of Defence governed by decree no. 89-749 of 18 October 1989 as amended;
-technicians of the Ministry of Defence governed by decree no. 98-203 of 20 March 1998 as amended.
Non-tenured agents:
-non-tenured agents in the special category, hors catégorie and category A, governed by decree no. 49-1378 of 3 October 1949 as amended;
-professors in principal occupation at the Ecole nationale supérieure de l’aéronautique governed by decree no. 67-962 of 23 October 1967;
-scientific staff in the laboratories and research centres of the Ecole polytechnique governed by decree no. 73-311 of 14 March 1973 as amended;
-engineers and specialists in the laboratories and research centres of the Ecole polytechnique governed by decree no. 73-312 of 14 March 1973 as amended;
-non-tenured engineering staff governed by decree no. 88-541 of 4 May 1988 relating to certain contract staff in the industrial or commercial services of the Ministry of Defence ;
-teaching staff at the Ecole polytechnique governed by decree no. 2000-497 of 5 June 2000;
-contractual scientific, technical and administrative research staff at the Ecole polytechnique governed by decree no. 2003-1006 of 21 October 2003;
-other agents recruited by public establishments participating in the public higher education service in application of articles 4 and 6 of law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 as amended concerning statutory provisions relating to the State civil service to carry out research work as part of the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the meaning of article L. 612-7 of the Education Code or after obtaining such a doctorate.