The election of the representatives mentioned in article D. 1111-4 takes place by post.
The ballot papers are sent or deposited at the prefecture of the department, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the order provided for in II of Article D. 1111-3.
Each ballot paper is placed in a double envelope: the inner envelope must not bear any mention or distinctive sign; the outer envelope must bear the words: “Election of the members of the territorial conference on public action”, the indication of the college to which the voter belongs, his or her name, position and signature.
The results of the election are declared by a commission chaired by the prefect or his delegate and comprising three mayors appointed by the prefect, on the proposal of the departmental association of mayors.
The commission’s secretariat is provided by an agent of the prefecture.
A representative of each list may monitor the ballot counting operations.
Seats are allocated to the candidates who, in each college, have obtained a majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the election is won by the oldest candidate.
The results of the election are published by the State representative in each department. They may be contested before the administrative court within ten days of such publication by any elector, by the candidates and by the representative of the State.
Where there are no grounds for election pursuant to the eleventh paragraph of II of Article L. 1111-9-1, the State representative in the department appoints as representatives the candidates and their substitutes from the only complete list that meets the required conditions.