For the application of Article L. 1111-11:
1° An investment operation corresponds to a set of acquisitions of tangible fixed assets, work on tangible fixed assets and related study costs;
2° Article L. 1111-11 applies to subsidies directly related to tangible fixed assets, with the exception of those relating solely to technical equipment and tools, which are financed by legal entities governed by public law, in particular the State and the public law establishments attached to it, local authorities and their groupings and local public establishments ;
3° Publication of the financing plan means posting it in the town hall or at the head office of the local authority or grouping and posting it on the website of the local authority or grouping, if one exists. This publication takes place within fifteen days of the start of the subsidised operation within the meaning of I of article 5 of the aforementioned decree of 25 June 2018. It shows the total cost of the investment project and the amount of subsidies provided by public bodies;
4° The financing plan is displayed by the project owner local authority or grouping during the implementation of the project in a place that is easily visible to the public in the form of a notice board or poster. Subject to the provisions applicable to projects forming part of a programme co-financed by the European Union, the financing plan is displayed in the form of lines of equal size showing, if available, the logo or emblem of the public entity that has subsidised the project, its name, as well as the amount of the subsidy ;
5° Subject to the provisions applicable to projects forming part of a programme co-financed by the European Union, on completion of any operation the total cost of which exceeds €10,000, and no later than three months after its completion, the local authority or grouping must affix a plaque or permanent sign, in a place that is easily visible to the public, showing the logo or emblem, if any, of the public entity that subsidised the project. If the operation has received subsidies from several public bodies, their logotype or emblem will appear, in equal size, on the plaque or panel ;
6° For the application of 4° and 5° the logotype or emblem that must be displayed in the event of a project being subsidised by the State or the public establishments attached to it and, where applicable, the combination of these graphic elements, comply with the State’s graphic charter applicable on the date of display;
7° An order may specify the terms and conditions for the application of 4°, 5° and 6°.