The provisions of Title II of decree no. 55-733 of 26 May 1955 on the codification and amendment of texts relating to the economic and financial control of the State and, where applicable, those of décret n° 53-707 du 9 août 1953 relatif au contrôle de l’Etat sur les entreprises publiques nationales et certains organismes ayant un objet d’ordre économique et social, s’appliquent aux groupements mentionnés à article D. 1115-1 when they include the State or at least one public establishment, company or body itself subject to the economic and financial control of the State by virtue of the aforementioned decrees.
In this case, the budget controller for the grouping is the regional director of public finance, who may be represented in this role.
The regional prefect may be represented in his functions as representative of the State.