The doctor involved in the care of a patient suffering from a long-term condition or chronic disease, with risk factors or a loss of autonomy, for whom adapted physical activity has demonstrated beneficial effects, may prescribe adapted physical activity, with the patient’s agreement and in the light of the patient’s pathology, situation, physical capacities and medical risk.
When prescribing adapted physical activity, doctors should refer to the guidelines for prescribing physical activity published by the French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de santé).
The doctor draws up the initial medical prescription for adapted physical activity, including the type of activity, its duration, frequency and intensity on a specific form, the model for which is defined by order of the Ministry of Health. This prescription entitles the patient to an assessment of their physical condition and functional capacities, as well as a motivational assessment by the qualified person mentioned in the fifth paragraph.
Adapted physical activity is prescribed for a renewable period of between three and six months.
It is provided by one of the following qualified persons:
1° The health professionals mentioned in articles L. 4321-1, L. 4331-1 and L. 4332-1;
2° Professionals holding a diploma in the field of adapted physical activity issued in accordance with the rules laid down inarticle L. 613-1 of the Education Code;
3° The following professionals and qualified persons, who have the prerogatives to provide adapted physical activity to patients with long-term conditions or chronic illnesses, or who present risk factors, or who are losing their autonomy:
-holders of a diploma included on the list mentioned inarticle R. 212-2 of the French Sports Code or registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications, as well as the civil servants and military personnel mentioned inarticle L. 212-3 of the French Sports Code;
-professionals and qualified persons who hold a professional qualification or a certificate of qualification included in the list mentioned in article R. 212-2 of the French Sports Code or registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications, and who are listed in a list of qualifications set by joint order of the ministers responsible for sport, higher education and health;
4° Qualified persons who hold a certificate issued by an approved sports federation, meeting the competencies specified in appendix 11-7-1 and guaranteeing the ability of the practitioner to ensure patient safety when practising the activity. The list of these certifications is set by joint order of the Ministers of Sport and Health, on the recommendation of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee.