For the application of articles L. 123-16 and L. 123-16-1:
1° In the case of micro-enterprises, the balance sheet total is set at 350,000 euros, the net turnover at 700,000 euros and the average number of employees during the financial year at 10;
2° In the case of small enterprises, the balance sheet total is set at 6,000,000 euros, the net turnover at 12,000,000 euros and the average number of employees during the financial year at 50.
For medium-sized companies, the balance sheet total is set at 20,000,000 euros, the net amount of turnover at 40,000,000 euros and the average number of employees during the financial year at 250.
The balance sheet total is equal to the sum of the net amounts of assets.
The net amount of turnover is equal to the amount of sales of products and services related to current activity, less sales discounts, value added tax and similar taxes.
Unless otherwise provided, the average number of employees is assessed in accordance with the procedures set out in I of Article L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code. By derogation, it is assessed over the last accounting period when this does not correspond to the previous calendar year.