I.-The transactions modifying the structure of the balance sheet mentioned in article L. 123-28-1 are:
1° A significant cash inflow or outflow;
2° The allocation to or reversal of a provision for liabilities and charges.
II.-The transactions modifying the structure of the balance sheet mentioned in article L. 123-28-2 include the transactions mentioned in I as well as the following transactions:
1° Capital increases and reductions;
2° Dividend distributions.
III.-The derogation provided for in articles L. 123-28-1 and L. 123-28-2 is applicable to the first two financial years closed after the date of registration of total and temporary cessation of activity. The condition of absence of employees provided for in these same articles is assessed on the closing date of the last financial year preceding the date of registration of the total and temporary cessation of activity. The hiring of an employee after this closing date terminates the exemption. The trader is required to draw up the balance sheet and profit and loss account at the close of the financial year in which the derogation ended.