The list of bathing waters, as resulting from the census procedure provided for in article D. 1332-16 , as well as any change to this list compared to the previous year, accompanied by the reasons, the information mentioned in article D. 1332-17 as well as the summary of public comments are communicated by the municipality to the Prefect and the Director General of the Regional Health Agency by 31 January of each year at the latest or, in the overseas departments, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, by 31 May at the latest.
If the municipality fails to send the list of bathing waters resulting from the census to the Prefect by the deadline set above, or if it fails to send proof that a bathing water has been excluded, the list of bathing waters for the previous bathing season and the dates of the bathing season are renewed by the Prefect.