Artificial bathing in an open system meets the following requirements:
1° The entire volume of the artificial bathing area must be renewed in less than 12 hours, at all times when it is open to the public. This renewal is permanent and ensured by a supply of new water. The artificial bathing area is equipped with a system for assessing the volume and flow rate of the various injections of new water;
2° The water conditions in the artificial bathing areas are designed to avoid any stagnation zones that would make the water quality non-uniform;
3° The layer of surface water that is continuously removed or replenished represents 50% of the water renewal flow rate;
4° The beaches adjacent to the artificial bathing area are designed to avoid water stagnation and run-off water from the latter is evacuated without flowing into the basins;
5° The artificial bathing area is designed so that it can be emptied and cleaned as necessary;
6° Access to the artificial bathing area and the surrounding beaches is forbidden to domestic animals and measures or arrangements are implemented to limit access to wild animals;
7° Biofilm and algae growing on the edges and in the artificial bathing area are mechanically removed as necessary;
8° Maximum instantaneous use of the artificial bathing area is defined so as to guarantee a minimum volume of water accessible for bathing of 10 cubic metres per bather;
9° Any treatment of the water in the artificial bathing area is prohibited, with the exception of aeration devices;
10° The use and presence of colouring is prohibited in the bathing area in the presence of bathers.