The term of office of the members of the National Health Conference is five years, and members may not serve for more than ten consecutive years.
Any member who, during his term of office, dies, resigns, leaves his seat vacant or loses the capacity in respect of which he was appointed, shall cease to be a member of the National Health Conference. However, appointed members representing the Regional Health and Autonomy Conferences, even if they have lost the capacity in which they were appointed on the occasion of the renewal of the latter, continue to sit on the National Health Conference until the appointment of the new representatives of the Regional Conferences, up to a maximum of six months from the end of the term of office of the latter.
When a member ceases, for whatever reason, to be a member of the National Health Conference, a new member is appointed, under the same conditions, for the remainder of the term of office.
In the event of repeated absences of a full member from meetings of the Plenary Assembly or the Standing Committee to which he/she has been invited, without giving any reason for a period of three months, without having been deputised for or having given a mandate, sent contributions or participated in at least one working group, recorded by the General Secretariat at the request of the Standing Committee, the President of the Conference may arrange for the designating body to appoint another member representing that body.