I. – The fifteen qualified persons chosen for their expertise and interest in ethical issues mentioned in 4° of I of article L. 1412-2 are proposed as follows:
– one person proposed by the Prime Minister;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Justice;
– two persons proposed by the Minister for Research;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Industry;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Social Affairs;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Education;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Labour;
– four persons proposed by the Minister for Health;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Communication;
– one person proposed by the Minister for the Family;
– one person proposed by the Minister for Women’s Rights.
II. – The fifteen leading figures from the research and health sectors mentioned in 5° of I of the same article L. 1412-2 are proposed as follows:
– a member of the Académie des Sciences, proposed by its president;
– a member of the Académie nationale de médecine, proposed by its president;
– a representative of the Collège de France, proposed by its administrator;
– a representative of the Institut Pasteur, proposed by its director;
– four researchers belonging to the corps of tenured researchers at the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale or the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and two engineers, technicians or administrative staff from the said institute or centre, half of whom are nominated by the director general of the institute and half by the director general of the centre;
– two teacher-researchers or members of the teaching and hospital staff of the hospitals and university centres appearing on the electoral lists of the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, proposed by the director general of this institute;
– two teacher-researchers or members of the teaching and hospital staff of the hospitals and university centres, proposed by the Conférence des présidents d’université ;
– one researcher from the corps of tenured researchers at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, nominated by the Institute’s Chief Executive Officer.