For the application of article D. 1432-28 to Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin:
1° The provisions of 1° and 2° are replaced by the following provisions:
1° The college of representatives of the regional and local authorities of the Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin Health and Autonomy Conference comprises :
a) Three regional councillors appointed by the regional council ;
b) The President of the Territorial Council of Saint-Barthélemy or his representative;
c) The President of the Territorial Council of Saint-Martin or his representative;
d) The President of the Guadeloupe Departmental Council or his representative;
e) Three representatives of the groupings of municipalities within the territorial jurisdiction of the Health and Autonomy Conference, appointed by the Assembly of French Communities;
f) Three representatives of the municipalities in the area covered by the health and autonomy conference, appointed by the Association of French Mayors.
2° The college of representatives of users of health or medico-social services comprises :
a) Six representatives of associations approved under article L. 1114-1;
b) Two representatives of associations for the retired and elderly and two representatives of associations for the disabled, one of whom is involved in the field of maladjusted children, appointed by the Director General of the Health Agency on the recommendation of the Departmental Councils for Citizenship and Autonomy.
2° The college of prevention and health education players, mentioned in 6°, is modified as follows :
a) b is replaced by the following provisions:
b) Two representatives of occupational health services, appointed by the head of the regional government department responsible for work and employment;”.
b) It is completed by two paragraphs worded as follows :
g) A representative of the local authority of Saint-Barthélemy, appointed by the President of the Territorial Council;
h) A representative of the local authority of Saint-Martin, appointed by the President of the Territorial Council.
3° Within the college of health service providers mentioned in 7°, one of the representatives provided for in e and f is appointed by the Director General of the Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin Health Agency on the joint proposal of the Presidents of the Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin Territorial Councils.