When they do not provide accommodation for students who are regularly enrolled in studies leading to the award of a veterinary training diploma or qualification mentioned in 1° of article L. 241-2 du code rural et de la pêche maritime effectuant un stage comprenant des mises en situation professionnelle de soins aux animaux d’élevage dans les zones définies à l’article L. 241-13 of the same code, local authorities or their groupings may grant, for the duration of the training period, alone or jointly, the accommodation allowance provided for in II of article L. 1511-9 of this code.
The monthly amount of this allowance may not exceed 20% of the gross monthly salary of the first step (non-executive trainee) of the national collective agreement for salaried veterinary practitioners.
The monthly amount of this allowance may not exceed 20% of the gross monthly salary of the first step (non-executive trainee) of the national collective agreement for salaried veterinary practitioners.