The prefect communicates to the president of the general council:
1° A statement indicating the forecast amount of the net bases of each of the four direct local taxes chargeable to the department, the net tax rates adopted by the department the previous year, the average reference rates at national level, as well as the ceiling rates that are enforceable against the department pursuant to the provisions of article 1636 B septies du code général des impôts;
2° Le montant de la dotation de compensation de la taxe professionnelle en application du IV et IV bis de Article 6 of Law no. 86-1317 of 30 December 1986, as amended, on the initial finance law for 1987;
2° bis The estimated amount of compensation paid in return for exemptions and reductions in direct local taxation;
3° The amount of the overall operating grant to be entered in the primary budget;
4° (paragraph deleted)
5° The change in the retail price index between 1 January and 31 December of the previous financial year and the forecasts for the current financial year, as shown in the tables appended to the Finance Act ;
6° The forecast change in the remuneration of State employees as set out in the Finance Act;
7° The table of social charges borne by the départements as at 1 February.