Printed tickets are made up of two parts, one for the spectator and the other, called the “coupon”, for the ticket inspector.
The part reserved for control is placed, after being detached, in a box specially allocated for this purpose, which is closed and contains only the coupons for the current session.
The numbers on the control coupons are identical to those on the part of the tickets intended for spectators, duly issued at the ticket offices for the session in question. Their number corresponds exactly and at all times to the number of spectators who have entered the auditorium since the start of the session.
The control coupons, classified by screening, or the counterfoils of the booklets are kept by the operator until 31 December of the year following the year in which they were used.
These documents are kept at the disposal of the agents of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée and the tax agents in charge of the control.