The extract from the articles of association of the specialised finance company referred to in Article L. 214-190-2 shall be filed with the Trade and Companies Register. It shall be signed by the members or shareholders and must contain:
1° The corporate name of the specialised finance company, its purpose and the address of its registered office;
2° The names of the corporate officers with general authority to bind the company in relation to third parties;
3° The corporate name, purpose and registered office address of the management company managing the specialised finance company in accordance with articles L. 214-190-2 and L. 214-177;
4° The date of incorporation and the term of the company;
5° The conditions and procedures for collective decision-making, including those allowing amendment of the Articles of Association;
6° The procedures for transferring members’ or shareholders’ shares;
7° Where applicable, the use of forward financial instruments with a view to exposing the company, or the assignment of receivables that have not matured or fallen due.