Applications drawn up by companies in order to obtain recognition of the innovative nature of their products, processes or techniques, as referred to in article L. 214-30, are submitted to the public limited company OSEO.
They must be accompanied by :
1° A technical file showing the innovative nature of the project and its prospects for economic development ;
2° An accounting and financial file containing the details of the annual calculation of the amount of research and development expenditure, the net profit plus depreciation and provisions for the previous three financial years or for the financial years since the creation of the company if it has not closed three financial years, as well as their forecast development for the following three years;
3° The balance sheet and income statement for the company’s last financial year;
4° A financing plan for the project and the company’s projected balance sheets and income statements for the first three years of the project. These applications are examined under the same conditions as applications for innovation aid granted by the public limited company OSEO. They are the subject of a decision by the Director General of the Agency or his delegate, taken after consulting the territorial commission for the allocation of innovation aid.
In order to examine applications submitted by the companies mentioned in the first paragraph of 1° of IV of Article L. 214-30, the public limited company OSEO may, where necessary, ask the latter to produce the documents provided for in 1° to 4° for each subsidiary mentioned in d of 1° of the aforementioned IV, as well as the documents provided for in 3° and 4° for each of the other companies mentioned in the same 1° of IV.