The funds referred to in Article D. 214-80 shall send subscribers an information letter within the same timeframe as that applicable to the annual report. This letter shall present, for each fund and, where there are earlier vintages of these funds, for each earlier vintage, and for each year of subscription since the fund was created, one or more tables showing the following values:
1° In rows, the following information, broken down by fund vintage:
a) The sum of the net asset values of units subscribed and distributions made ;
b) The amount of management and distribution fees actually charged, attributable to these units according to a standardised calculation method;
2° In the columns, the following information
a) Description of the fund year ;
b) Year of creation of this vintage;
c) Description of the values recorded, as mentioned in 1° ;
d) Observed values, at the end of each financial year that has elapsed since the year mentioned in b of 2°, of the variables mentioned in 1°.