The following information, presented in tabular form, is mentioned in the management report of the funds referred to in Article D. 214-80:
1° In lines, the following information:
a) A reminder of the maximum average annual management and distribution fee referred to in 5° of I of Article D. 214-80-2 ;
b) The average annual expense ratio actually recorded, presented line by line for each financial year since the financial year in which the subscription referred to in Article D. 214-80 took place;
c) The average annual expense ratio actually recorded, as an undiscounted average, over the period elapsed since the financial year in which the subscription took place;
2° In columns, the following information
a) Each of the aggregate categories mentioned in Article D. 214-80-1;
b) The total average annual expense ratio for all the categories referred to in a) of 2°.