A derogation may be made from the minimum daily rest period of eleven hours per employee, under the terms and conditions laid down by the agreement provided for in Article L. 3131-2, to the minimum period of eleven hours’ daily rest per employee for those carrying out the following activities:
1° Activities characterised by the distance between the employee’s home and workplace or by the distance between different workplaces of the employee;
2° Guarding, surveillance and duty activities characterised by the need to ensure the protection of property and persons;
3° Activities characterised by the need to ensure continuity of service or production, in particular for establishments or parts of establishments working in successive shifts, whenever the employee changes shift or post and cannot benefit, between the end of one shift and the start of the next, from a daily rest period of eleven consecutive hours;
4° Handling or operating activities which contribute to the performance of transport services;
5° Activities which are carried out during periods of work split into parts of the day.