The application for leave to be a close carer must be accompanied by the following documents:
1° A sworn statement of the applicant’s family relationship with the person being cared for or of the assistance provided to an elderly or disabled person with whom he or she resides or has a close and stable relationship ;
2° A statement on the applicant’s honour to the effect that he/she has not previously, throughout his/her career, taken leave to be a close carer, or the length of time he/she has taken such leave;
3° Where the person being helped is a disabled child dependent on the applicant, within the meaning of Article L. 512-1 of the Social Security Code, or a disabled adult, a copy of the decision taken in application of social security or social assistance legislation, subject to proof of a permanent disability rate of at least 80%;
4° If the person receiving assistance is suffering from a loss of autonomy, a copy of the decision to grant the personalised autonomy allowance referred to in article L. 232-2 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles ;
5° Where the person receiving assistance is in receipt of such assistance, a copy of the decision to award one of the following benefits:
a) La majoration pour aide constante d’une tierce personne mentionnée à l’article L. 355-1 du code de la sécurité sociale ;
b) La prestation complémentaire pour recours à tierce personne mentionnée au troisième alinéa de l’article L. 434-2 du même code ;
c) The special increase for assistance of a third party referred to in Article L. 30 bis of the Code des pensions civiles et militaires de retraites and in Article 34 of Decree no. 2003-1306 of 26 December 2003 relating to the retirement scheme for civil servants affiliated to the Caisse nationale de retraites des agents des collectivités locales ;
d) The increase allocated to beneficiaries of 3° of article D. 712-15 of the social security code and 3° of V of article 6 of decree no. 60-58 of 11 January 1960 relating to the social security scheme for permanent employees of départements, communes and their public establishments that are not industrial or commercial in nature;
e) The increase mentioned in article L. 133-1 of the code des pensions militaires d’invalidité et des victimes de guerre.