The financial guarantee may only result from a guarantee undertaking given by :
1° A mutual guarantee company;
2° A collective guarantee body;
3° An insurance company;
4° A bank;
5° A financial institution authorised to provide guarantees.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title V: Time Savings Account | Chapter IV: Management and liquidation | Section 1: Supplementary provisions | Article D3154-3 of the French Labour Code
The financial guarantee may only result from a guarantee undertaking given by :
1° A mutual guarantee company;
2° A collective guarantee body;
3° An insurance company;
4° A bank;
5° A financial institution authorised to provide guarantees.
La garantie financière ne peut résulter que d’un engagement de caution pris par :
1° Une société de caution mutuelle ;
2° Un organisme de garantie collective ;
3° Une compagnie d’assurance ;
4° Une banque ;
5° Un établissement financier habilité à donner caution.
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