Where the employee has not spent a full year with the same company, the ceilings provided for in articles D. 3324-10 and D. 3324-12 are calculated in proportion to the length of time the employee has been with the company.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book III: Employee dividends: incentives, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Title II: Profit-sharing | Chapter IV: Calculation and management of profit-sharing | Section 2: Allocation of the special profit-sharing reserve. | Article D3324-13 of the French Labour Code
Where the employee has not spent a full year with the same company, the ceilings provided for in articles D. 3324-10 and D. 3324-12 are calculated in proportion to the length of time the employee has been with the company.
Lorsque le salarié n’a pas accompli une année entière dans la même entreprise, les plafonds prévus aux articles D. 3324-10 et D. 3324-12 sont calculés à due proportion de la durée de présence.
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