In companies subject to partnership tax, net profit is calculated as the sum of the following elements:
1° The portion of taxable profit for the financial year attributable to those partners liable for corporation tax, less the tax that these companies would have paid if they had been personally liable for corporation tax, calculated at the standard rate for this tax;
2° The portion of taxable profit for the financial year adjusted in accordance with the conditions set out in article L. 3324-3 that accrues to the individual members, less the tax borne by each of these members in this respect, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 3324-7. However, the total amount of tax that can be deducted is in all cases limited to the sum that would result from applying the standard rate of corporation tax to this adjusted fraction of taxable profit;
3° The fraction of net profit for the financial year calculated, in accordance with 1° and 2°, on the basis of the fraction of taxable profit for the financial year attributable to members who are themselves companies subject to the tax regime for partnerships.