I.-The director of the establishment or regional hospital group declares the implementation of a local cooperation protocol mentioned in I of article L. 4011-4 to the director general of the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction, using a dedicated online application on the website of the Ministry of Health. He submits the protocol and its appendices to this application, as well as the following supporting documents for each member of the volunteer team:
signed and dated commitment agreement;
-copy of an identity document;
-registration number on the medical register or specific professional file and supporting documents;
-sworn statement that the skills required to implement the protocol have been acquired.
The date on which the protocol is declared constitutes the date on which the protocol is actually implemented.
II – Each year, the director of the establishment sends the director general of the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction data relating to local protocol monitoring indicators using a dedicated online application on the website of the Ministry of Health. These monitoring indicators provide information on at least :
the number of patients treated under the protocol;
-the rate of repeat procedures by delegating healthcare professionals, which corresponds to the number of procedures carried out by the delegating healthcare professional on the delegate’s call, compared with the number of procedures carried out by the delegate;
-the nature and rate of adverse events, where applicable, which corresponds to the number of adverse events reported compared with the number of procedures carried out by the delegate;
-the satisfaction rate of healthcare professionals adhering to the protocol, which corresponds to the number of professionals who answered “satisfied” or “very satisfied” in relation to the number of professionals who expressed their level of satisfaction using a dedicated questionnaire.
It informs the Users’ Commission about the implementation of the protocol and forwards the Commission’s opinion on this implementation to the Director General of the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction.
III. -When it proposes the deployment of a local protocol throughout the national territory in application of III of Article L. 4011-4, the National Committee for Interprofessional Cooperation shall first ensure that the protocol meets the conditions necessary for this deployment and in particular the quality and safety requirements defined by Article R. 4011-1, in conjunction with the health care organisation(s) implementing the protocol and the national councils and professional orders concerned.
Once this examination has been completed, it sends the protocol to the Haute Autorité de santé for an opinion, with any proposed amendments.
In the light of this opinion, the protocol may be deployed throughout France by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security.