The director general of the regional health agency and the rector of the academic region chair a regional health service strategy committee. This committee, which brings together representatives of the players involved in health service, is responsible for defining the strategy for implementing health service, including :
drawing up a list of preventive action themes based on the priority themes defined and implemented as part of the national health strategy and those identified as relevant to the specific characteristics of the region and in conjunction with the regional health project;
-identifying the groups for whom the health service can be carried out, based on the priority groups mentioned in the second paragraph of article D. 4071-2 and those identified as relevant in terms of the specific characteristics of the region and in line with the regional health plan;
-ensure that inter-professional and multi-disciplinary action is facilitated in the performance of health service activities;
-ensure that health service activities are evenly distributed throughout the region;
-presenting an annual report to the committee referred to in article D. 4071-7 on the monitoring and evaluation of the actions carried out.