To be eligible for election to one of the councils of the ordre, a pharmacist must :
1° Be an elector for the department, region or professional category concerned, as the case may be. However, in accordance with article L. 4232-13, pharmacists practising in mainland France are eligible to stand for election as a representative of a delegation from section E to the central council of this section and to the national council. A pharmacist who is a voter in several colleges of the same section may only stand as a candidate for one of these colleges;
2° Must have been registered with the Order for a total period of at least three years at the date of the election;
3° Not have been subject to a final ban on practising or providing benefits to insured persons, whether or not this ban is suspended;
4° Have applied for the post in accordance with the conditions laid down in article D. 4233-9.
When an ordinal councillor is no longer registered on the roll of the section or delegation for which he was elected, or no longer fulfils the other conditions required to be eligible, he is deemed to have resigned automatically. This resignation is notified by the President of the Council concerned.
Outgoing members of the Ordinary Council, whether titular or substitute, may be re-elected.