For the application of article L. 4311-15, the lists of the profession are obtained from the information contained in the register mentioned in article D. 4113-118. The content of each list is limited to practising professionals and, for each of them, the following data:
1° The personal identifier in the register referred to in article D. 4113-118 ;
2° The surname and first name of the practising professional ;
3° Professional qualifications and titles corresponding to the activity carried out;
4° Details of the practice structures.
The lists may be consulted, in each département, on the premises of services or organisations open to the public, designated by order of the Minister for Health or, for nurses covered by the provisions of article L. 4138-2 of the Defence Code, by order of the Minister for Defence.
The lists may also be consulted in electronic form, under the conditions laid down by the order provided for in article D. 4113-118.